Who else LOVES going to the grocery store?

One of my favorite things to do is go to the grocery store! Especially health food stores that sell organic and specialty items. I like finding a new (healthy) item and trying it out. Today I even found two new products, both really healthy, at Walmart and Kroger!!! I was so excited I wrote about it in my blog here on MFP. I've also learned to read nutrition labels and use my Fooducate app to see if what I've picked up is really healthy. Going through the produce section is my favorite part though, I love picking out fruits and veggies to stock my fridge for the next week. And since I've started educating myself on healthy foods, the chips and cookie and candy aisles don't really appeal to me much anymore. Who loves the grocery store as much as I do???


  • nicolemariemclovin
    nicolemariemclovin Posts: 55 Member
    Haha I thought I was the only one, absolutely love it! And the best is seeing a fridge and cupboards stocked up with nutritious food after you come home and unload them all!
  • poetgurl2005
    I love the grocery store. It's better then the mall now. I got all excited when I heard they where opening a new one up not far from where I live. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one.
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member

    I go 3 or more times a week because I plan menus or find a new recipe and need new ingredients I don't already have. Sometimes it's just a Ben & Jerry run though LOL!
  • Wetterdew
    Wetterdew Posts: 142 Member
    I do too! It's so weird. I love looking at all the kinds of cereals they have, deciding which fruits I'll get, etc. I even enjoy looking at the junk food I'd love to eat but can't (yeah...don't know why I enjoy tantalizing myself like that).
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Yeah I love the grocery store ... I get excited for our weekly grocery trips. I'm just so excited for fresh fruit and veggies every week LOL.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    i dont, but i work at whole foods market. haha. otherwise i would.
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    I like to do this:


    Does that count? Surely it burns some calories...and I'm right there to eat them all back. It's win/win!
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I loved working at the grocery store near me. If it paid well enough I probably would have stuck around. No clue what it was that I enjoyed so much about it, could have been the people I worked with (most likely that's the case) but those were the best 4 or so years of my employment history.
  • Jalare
    Jalare Posts: 103
    My dream is to be a professional shopper; clothes, food, it doesn't matter!:love:
  • Jennhasfaith
    Jennhasfaith Posts: 187 Member
    I could spend hours in grocery stores like Sprouts, whole foods, specialy stores. I'm amazed at all the great stuff out there that is so healthy. I love the produce section too. I'm trying to get my hubby to try different things, kinda of a picky eater.

    I switched a lot of my foods to organic, or all natural for trying to conceive purposes. I just picked up a bottle of organic agave syrup but it is going to take awhile for me to get used to it. Super sweet!!!

    ps. book stores to, I could spend hours in them looking around!
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Grocery store, no.

    Costco, HEAVEN.
  • SamanthaAnnM
    SamanthaAnnM Posts: 143 Member
    Being a professional shopper sounds like a dream come true, seriously! I once met a woman who shopped at Central Market, a store in Texas that has a huge selection of health foods. She would often help other customers find good food there while she was shopping and eventually, Central Market offered her a job, where she guides people through the store and educates them about the food! I WANT THAT JOB.
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    I really just like to shop so.... YES =) haha
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I could go to the grocery store every day! I love it!! Especially when there's lots of fresh fruits and veggies in season!!

    And when I go to the Twin Cities (3 hours away) I always plan a visit to Trader Joe's to stock up on goodies!

    (I also like to torture myself by going down the cereal and candy aisles)
  • NS1216
    NS1216 Posts: 26
    I also love the grocery store BUT the 24 hour one at 11pm when no one else is really around. At that hour its a MAGICAL place.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    I like going, but only to get away from all my kids...lol
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Not me. I'd just as soon not have to bother, but you gotta eat.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I actually really enjoy it, because every time I grocery shop, I make it a point to try at least one new recipe and I love cooking!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i love grocery day !!

    i love it mainly because the day before grocery day is like the day before laundry day where you;re stuck with all the bad underwear that you dont quite like, or that you thought was pretty but turns out it just rides up your butt or is itchy or some way uncomfortable.

    i love having freshly stocked fridge and cabinets. i end up all my favorite stuff first which is why i end up with weird combination of stuff by the end
  • Electrifit
    Me too! Its my "ME" time hahah.