Jillian Michaels DVDs

Do any of you know appoxiately how many calories are burned doing one of Jillian's circuit DVDs such as Shred or Ripped in 30? I wish this website had more popular videos calculated in the exercise section. Tae Bo is there, so why isn't any other workout dvd listed?


  • sjlockyer912
    I log it in as aerobics..more accurate would be to get a heart rate monitor that tracks calories
  • juicy011
    juicy011 Posts: 200 Member
    I do RI30 also and when I used to log, put it as "circuit training".
  • kori333
    kori333 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm 5'4" 142 lbs and my HRM says I burn anywhere from 166 to 225 for 30ds including warmup and cool down. It depends on the level and how hard I push it. I just started RI30 and so far it's right around 250. Unfortunately a HRM is the only way to know your burn for sure but this will give you and idea. I log it as circuit training.