Diabeating Your Kids

Had to share:

Diabeating your kids

July 12, 2012 Urban Word of the Day

When parents feed their young children, who do not know better or aren't given any healthy options, pure crap, resulting in juvenile onset diabetes. This should be considered child abuse.

Mom to already obese kid: Now what do you want for dinner? McDonald's, KFC, or Pizza Hut?

Obese Kid:We already had Pizza Hut for breakfast, and KFC for lunch, so let's go to McDonald's!

Mom to already obese kid: Ok, well get whatever you like sweetie!

Obese Kid: I want two double bacon cheese burgers, a large chocolate shake, and a large Coke.

Mom: Are you sure that's enough honey?

Obese Kid: Yeah....

Mom to Drive-Thru Attendant: He's going to need more than that, make that 4 double bacon cheeseburgers, and a large fry, large milkshake, and large Coke.

Drive-Thru Attendant: Damn lady! You should stop diabeating your kids!


  • itsrierie
    itsrierie Posts: 28
    It's sad that we need a word for this...

    I can't even tell you how often I see parents forcing crap down their children's throats at work, because "if I buy them something healthy, they won't eat it!"
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    This makes me chuckle in a disgusted way. It's so sad. When I worked at a grocery store, I noticed that all the same kids who were diabeaten were also the ones being belittled by their parents for being overweight. Morons.