Migraines, headaches and exercise

Hi, over the last 10 days I've had 3 really bad headaches including one which was definitely a migraine. It's stopped me exercising on the days I have them but now I am wondering whether I should just carry on through it? I think the headaches are tension/stress related so exercise might help but I don't want to make them worse. Any advice?


  • JaneUK
    JaneUK Posts: 102
    Almost certainly dehydration. Drink plenty of water well before your workout. If you're thirsty you left hydration too late! I used to get migraines (with aura) after exercise before I worked out the link!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I'm not getting them after exercise I've just been getting them randomly :frown: I'm drinking plenty so I don't think they are due to dehydration. But thanks, I will keep an eye on how much water I am getting anyway.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Isimetimes get them if I hurt a neck muscle. Watch your posture and make sure you warm up/ cool down your neck muscles thoroughly. That might help. Agree it could be lack of food or dehydration too
  • Hollie_downunder
    My migraines are generally hormone related! or sometimes just for no reason at all! hope the headaches go away!

    i was the same last week, had a migraine then a lingering headache for about 3 days! i found a big workout did eventually help me with my head - i'm guessing the extra blood flow/stress relief etc :)
  • clarabellesimmo82
    This is a tough one actually...!

    I went to the doctors because of a bloodshot eye and it turns out I was having a type of migraine due to exhaustion. Whilst I agree that hydrating may help, I wouldn't push it too far.

    Maybe go for a walk to get a few calories burnt, then up it if things start to get better?
  • MsBunnyBaby
    I'm not getting them after exercise I've just been getting them randomly :frown: I'm drinking plenty so I don't think they are due to dehydration. But thanks, I will keep an eye on how much water I am getting anyway.

    Do you go for massages at all? I'm currently experiencing enormous tension in my back, shoulders and neck and it's down to the amount of exercising I'm doing as well as the normal day to day stresses I go through. A deep tissue massage or a sports massage will help significantly in releasing the tension and the toxins stored up from tense muscles. You should be trying to get on every six or eight weeks for half an hour on the areas that bug you the most.

    As for exercising with a headache..... It's down to how you feel. The releasing of endorphins (body's natural pain killer) should actually help in alleviating the pain of the headache. Since you're not getting them after exercising, it means that exercising is not the problem and would most likely be able to assist.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I did have a full body massage on Saturday which was great as I had the migraine on Friday night. I wish I could have one everyday!

    I think I might try some gentle exercise and see how it goes then, I just don't want to make it worse because it's horrible as it is.
  • hsk71
    hsk71 Posts: 19
    I have suffered with migraines regularly since the age of 10, so you have my utmost sympathy!

    In January I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, High Cholesterol and Hypertension (high blood pressure). My doc immediately put me meds to treat all 3 conditions. I got a huge "wake-up call" and started changing my diet and exercising. It's been six months now and I am happy to say that I have only had one "bad headache" in that time, and NO migraines (touching wood here!!). I did have a headache once or twice while working out but just pushed through and it went away.

    I'm not suggesting you have any of the above conditions or that you should ignore your headaches, but if they continue, are unusual and become a problem, see a professional.

    My diagnosis, while at the time was devastating, has turned out to be the best thing that has happened to me. I am healthier (and lighter :) than I have been in many many years!!
  • liandarholt
    I am not able to exercise when I've got a full blown migraine, only long hot showers and rest helps me. However when I have just a headache if I make myself do some yoga anyway it almost always helps me feel better. Migraines are the worst, I hope you find something that helps