Time to get back on the wagon...

xtina11179 Posts: 352
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Well, after a bit of a hiatus (about 5 months) I have decided that I need to get back in the saddle here on MFP. From January 5th - May 25th I lost a total of 30 lbs. :happy: Since then I have pretty much maintained my weight, within a few pounds because, although I hadnt been keeping track of everything I ate, I was still exercising at least 5 days a week. I even bought a Wii Fit!! But over the last 3 weeks I haven't been able to exercise due to an injury. Soooo....the poor eating habits I had regressed back to over the summer (mostly because of the constant camping my boyfriend and I do) and my lack of exercise has started to catch up with me. I have gained a total of 6 lbs back. :brokenheart: But today was my first time back on the treadmill since my injury and I did 40 minutes! It felt really good!!

I guess I thought I was capable of continuing on my weight loss journey, but evidently that is not the case. :grumble: So, here I am, back on the wagon!

Good luck, everyone, in your journey to a better lifestyle!!


  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome back. You can do it. Just remember how good it felt when you got off the treadmill today and use that to keep going back. You'll be those 6 pounds down plus a lot more before you know it! Good luck to you!
  • Thank you much!! :happy:
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Glad to have you back with the rest of us:laugh: We need to stay here for a while to engrave all these new ways of life into our brain forever & ever.

    You look so good in your new picture...love the long hair with streaks of blond in it:smokin:
  • Glad to have you back with the rest of us:laugh: We need to stay here for a while to engrave all these new ways of life into our brain forever & ever.

    You look so good in your new picture...love the long hair with streaks of blond in it:smokin:

    Thank you!! :wink:
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