1st time...looking for friends :)

kaytgo1 Posts: 4 Member
First time doing a weight loss program, and first time joining a community. I'd love to meet some of you on here, get support, give support. Feel free to add me! Good luck to everyone! -Kayt


  • emmie5500
    emmie5500 Posts: 1
    Hi I started tracking my food yesterday. I found it user friendly. I live in Chicago and I had gastric bypass 10 years ago. I gained 77 lbs back. I'm trying this web site to lose the weight I gained.
  • sb14syd
    sb14syd Posts: 4
    I just started this yesterday. Apparently, I'm not losing weight because I don't eat enough! I'm very active- paint all day long for work, do Insanity every day, and clean the house I'm living in at night because the woman is a hoarder. Anyways, I was raised eating whole wheat bread that used flour my mother had ground herself, so I'm used to eating healthy. Just not used to eating enough I guess. I actually had over 2500 calories the other day, and then I lost 4 lbs in the following 2 days~! Guess science knows what they're talking about. Anyways, add me!