Runners - what's the hardest part of running for you?



  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Running. Lol.

    Just kidding. The hardest part for me is after a few miles my UPPER body gets tired. It feels like I can't stand up straight - my shoulders and arms just want to flop. Would love to hear any advice for this - but before you do, I exercise daily and mix up cardio and strength work. So I don't believe it is a muscle tone issue. My husband says this happens to him, too.
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    Running fast isn't all that it's cracked out to be. I could run an 8:00 minute mile if I wanted to, but my thighs kill if I run that fast for a long distance and in heat it can be hard to breath sometimes.

    I find breathing from the belly helps and running a nice 10:00 minute miles helps. It's not to fast, not to slow. Find a pace that is comfortable for you. That doesn't cause a lot of soreness and is easy on the breath and build up your endurance. Running is suppose to fun and leisurely, not a chore.

    P.S. Go to a shoe store (not a chain store like ****'s) and get your foot fitted. It is crucial for a run to have proper shoes. I didn't know this until I developed plantar fasciitis.
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    The most painful problem for me is that it blisters and bruises my toes. I think my feet are just not well suited to running, because no matter what kind of shoes I wear I end up with blistered toes. I've lost more toenails (always on the same toes) than I can remember. And they're not easy to wrap, either.

    It doesn't prevent me from running, but it doesn't make me a running devotee. I much prefer hiking, biking or skating.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    the NC SUMMER heat & humidity is the worst thing about running for me makes it 10 times harder ..but I need to run and even when my bones hurt and my legs feel like they weigh 50pounds apiece I run because I know that later on I will wish I had attempted it at least. some days it's really hard to tell you the truth but it's worth it. :flowerforyou

    PS I run really fast in the winter so I know I can and I do short sprints in the summer because it's fun :wink:
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    I run out of road.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    The most painful problem for me is that it blisters and bruises my toes. I think my feet are just not well suited to running, because no matter what kind of shoes I wear I end up with blistered toes. I've lost more toenails (always on the same toes) than I can remember. And they're not easy to wrap, either.

    It doesn't prevent me from running, but it doesn't make me a running devotee. I much prefer hiking, biking or skating.

    Buy your shoes a half size larger and see if that fixes the problem.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    deciding where to go today!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Plantar Fasciitis. I had to stop running for awhile to heal it up. I had to switch to morning runs so keep from being hobbled in the evening. The time off really set me back in my I have only been running for a year.

    The other morning I was out for a run and I kept thinking "Man, this is so hard! When does it get any easier??" So, I am still struggling and all of it is hard at this point. Hope that it gets easier soon because there are times when I'm a little discouraged.

    Weight is probably my biggest issue. I can't get much faster until I lose this weight....
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member


    It's always the toughest. No matter if I'm going for a 3 mile run or a 10 mile run. Mile 1 is always the hardest for me!
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    The most painful problem for me is that it blisters and bruises my toes. I think my feet are just not well suited to running, because no matter what kind of shoes I wear I end up with blistered toes. I've lost more toenails (always on the same toes) than I can remember. And they're not easy to wrap, either.

    It doesn't prevent me from running, but it doesn't make me a running devotee. I much prefer hiking, biking or skating.

    Buy your shoes a half size larger and see if that fixes the problem.

    The pair I have now is a compromise, after experimenting with different sizes and styles.. They are the longest, widest size that I could get without having my foot sliding around inside. I just finished a 10-mile race and bought the new shoes as a reward, so fingers crossed!:happy:
  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    For me, the biggest problem is getting out the door.

    Once I get started, what slows me down/stops me from increasing my distance as much as I'd like is joint pain - my knees and hips really don't enjoy long runs.
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
  • keithgi
    keithgi Posts: 96 Member
    Stiff calves! Regardless of how much I stretch seems like they are right back to guitar strings shortly after a run.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I have asthma and I believe running has helped my asthma get better/stronger. The hardest part of running now is taking a rest from running when I need to. I would run every day if I could.
  • sleepyjean88
    sleepyjean88 Posts: 180 Member
    Breathing is my problem, I'm a very new runner only started a few weeks ago, my breathing gets very panicked and I feel I need to stop, I'm hoping that in time I'll be able to control my breathing a bit more :)
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    I have just started running again cause about 13 stone I cannot run without my whole bod wobbling and hurting, I keep hurting my shins so thats a pain BUT there is nothing better than running down my sea front as the sun sets ... fab
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    the fact that I will never have runners legs.

    I want longer legs damnit!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    If I'm healthy, the only hard part is getting out the door. It's really only a problem when I'm de-motivated by the weather. Give me a blizzard any day over warm temps with high humidity. It's been really poor air quality the last few weeks here, so it's bringing some of my asthma problems to the forefront as well.
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    For me, it's running with a stroller (which if I want to run anytime between 8am and 8pm I have to take my 3 yr old with me) and the lack of being able to use your arms really hinders me. I run way faster/longer when I can go without pushing a stroller. I also have very ltitle cartilage in my knees and hips which used to kill me but the more I run the less pain it causes!
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    the right shoes, so far i LOVE my vibrams but i am working to build up mileage in them. i just don't get the same satisfaction or pace with my brooks!