Gym/fitness trainers any reviews?

Steph7x Posts: 115 Member
Really want to get back to working out, i had a ankle injury end of may and have had to rest it for a while. Doctor has said i need trainers with good ankle support so im wondering if anyone knows of any cheap-ish good supportive gym trainers?
Thanks in advance :)


  • Steph7x
    Steph7x Posts: 115 Member
    Bump :)
  • jallison12
    jallison12 Posts: 83
    Rather than trainers, maybe get the ankle supports from the pharmacy (edit - just saw you're from England. Pharmacy = Boots :smile: )? Lot cheaper than specialist shoes. I use compression type ankle supports that you pull on. I've some friends that use the lace up supports. And I've seen a support that has a cantilevered plastic or metal brace on the sides that allow flex (up/down, or forward/back depending on perspective) but no sideways movement to protect from rolling your ankle again.

    But if you really want such, I guess basketball type hi-tops would gve you that support.
  • Steph7x
    Steph7x Posts: 115 Member
    Yeah i have one of them from injuring it, i have no trainers at all i was working out in converse and have since found out thats not so good. Thanks i'll look into high-tops :)