I want a ballerina body

MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
So...I've never been "willowy" or very slender. I've always been slim but curvaceous. (size 6 pants, x-small-medium tops depending on the store. usually small-medium).

I'm working out routinely but I am having a hard time with strength training to build lean muscle. I do NOT want to be bulky at all. I am aiming for a willowy, slender but toned body...

Anybody have advice on how to accomplish this? I have done pilates (admittedly not as routinely as I do cardio) and that seems to hurt the next day, which means it's doing something...

Just wondered if anyone out there had some good tips

http://media.photobucket.com/image/ballerina body/diana_fan_2/6fd48c4eaf_8323810_o2.jpg


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Take up ballet?
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    it is very hard for women to get bulky. you simply dont have the testosterone levels. so dont worry about that
  • wtfusernameisnttaken
    Taking Dance classes is a fantastic way to tone/gain muscle without getting bulky. The stretches alone are worth it.
  • ZoeyRobinson
    ZoeyRobinson Posts: 301
    Lifting weights will not make you bulky. Women do not have enough testosterone to make them bulky. So I would suggest some weight lifting.

    A group of us on here are doing the "Butt Bible" workout. I have done hundreds of workouts and this is the best one at transforming the body.

    There are 3 levels. First level is 20 min, second is 30 min and the last level is 40 minutes.

    You do Lower Body, Upper Body, Cardio, repeat and the last day you rest.

    The woman can get annoying but it is really worth the 6 week commitment. All you need is a pair of dumbbells. And at first I was only using 3 pounds because I have horrible wrists. I hope you like it. And good luck

  • wtfusernameisnttaken
    You could also try the Jillian Michael's DVD's.... Yoga's good too... OH! And ZUMBA!
  • sammyjbray
    sammyjbray Posts: 146 Member
    My daughter does ballet, they are not as slender as they look. There are some serious muscles in the leg department. She won't go much further though, as many of her peers now starve themselves to try and get a concave tummy. Not happening here!
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Unfortunately, to some extent your body type is your body type. I'd love to have slender legs, but I have Mary Lou Retton legs instead. I wear size 6 or 8 bootcut jeans, have 18.5% body fat and need wide calf boots. My daughter has a Jennifer Lopez butt and big boobs but slender legs. You can ditch the fat, but you can't change your basic body type.

    That said, if you're not taking steroids lifting won't make you bulky.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Take up ballet?
    THIS. Not to mention lots of ballet dancers have eating disorders.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mercymarque
    mercymarque Posts: 450
    Denise Austin Pilates
  • RenovatingSuzanne
    Like others have said, work with your body type. You may want to try a Barre class or even a Barre youtube workout, I can recommend a good one if you're interested. It's part cardio, strength training, ballet and pilates. I've been doing it for about 3 weeks and I'm already noticing a difference in my legs and bum
  • fit_librarian
    fit_librarian Posts: 242 Member
    I love these videos/downloads. They are pilates-based, but still very effective in creating a long, lean shape.

  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Ballet dancer are the results of their genetic disposition and training.

    I am 4'11" and built wide and muscular....no amout of training will change that.
  • amandamay83
    amandamay83 Posts: 6 Member
    Unfortunately, to some extent your body type is your body type. I'd love to have slender legs, but I have Mary Lou Retton legs instead. I wear size 6 or 8 bootcut jeans, have 18.5% body fat and need wide calf boots. My daughter has a Jennifer Lopez butt and big boobs but slender legs. You can ditch the fat, but you can't change your basic body type.

    That said, if you're not taking steroids lifting won't make you bulky.

    I'm with her. You can't really change your basic body type. I can lose all the weight I want, but I am never going to have an Audrey Hepburn figure. I will always have an *kitten* and boobs.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    A willowy body comes from being naturally built that way. If it isn't you, it's best to not attempt to get it because you will eventually drive yourself to unhealthy means. It is imporant you instead focus on being the best "YOU" that you can be.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Ballerinas are very lean, probably naturally slender and tall. If you've never had this body type, chances are it's NOT your body type. You have to work with what you have. Learn to love the body you have, and make it the best it can be, which probably won't look like anyone else.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Dancing (like ballet) is actually the best full-body workout you can possibly do! Not only do you have to be extremely flexible, but you also have to be STRONG! Dancers actually have a LOT of muscle, but as you can see, the girls are never bulky. They're very, very toned. They wouldn't be able to do all the crazy things they do if they were all skin and bone.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If you want the body type of a certain person, emulate what they do. Take up ballet.

    But, if a willowy body type is not in your genetic makeup, and you struggle too hard to achieve this, your health will probably suffer in some way or another. The ballet dancers for whom a "willowy, slender" body type is not natural have often ended up achieving it through disordered eating. I just hope you're not willing to sacrifice your health if a willowy body is not in the cards for you.
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 274 Member
    Ballet Beautiful DVD/streaming video workouts by Mary Helen Bowers - www.balletbeautiful.com

    I LOVE her workouts. I've always had huge thighs, but after a few weeks of BB, I noticed my thighs look smaller. I've also gained quite a bit of strength. I can feel the muscles in my legs now...and that's a good thing! Ballerinas have nicely toned muscles...don't worry about 'bulking'.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Genetics play a big part. You can't expect to have a "slender, willowy" body if you don't have the genes for it. It's not fair to aspire to someone else's body type. Focus on having the best body for YOUR body type.

    I'll never be "slim and slender". I'm predisposed to have more lean mass for my height. I'll never have the body of a slender model. Therefore I'll never use it as a guide to my goals. Body of a track star, however, oh yea:glasses:
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    As someone who preprofessionally danced for all of my childhood/teenage years for 50+ hrs. a week, I can tell you it's all about your body type. I never had the ballerina body. That being said, I was in amazing shape. Ballet is all about control of your body. At all times your tummy is sucked in, butt in and down, neck high. It's a lot of bending (so squats would be great), your arms are always engaged, and you have to control each and every muscle in your body.