9000 calories over??

Not possible! This weekend was Thanksgiving up here in Canada and my family also celebrated a baby shower so there was LOTS of good food floating around. I did my best to be good, although the desserts did get me, but this morning I weighed myself and I was...back to my starting weight?? :noway: That's 2.5 lbs + in one weekend!!

If a lb of fat=3600 cal, x 2.5=9000 cal over this week? I don't think so. I was very good all the way up til the weekend, and though I probably went over a couple days, there's no way it was THAT much. Is it just water weight?? What can I do! I feel so hopeless, like the weight is never gonna come off for good if I can put it back on just from one holiday weekend, and I didn't even eat everything I wanted to :sad:


  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    I honestly do not think that is possible! It is probably water weight due to extra salty treats, I bet you will be back down in a few days ~ hang in there!:bigsmile:
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    I would drink tons of water today for some damage control....I think you will see it come off.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Yep, water weight. Drink lots of water and get back on track starting today, you'll probably see that gone in a couple days to a week.

    Basic rule of thumb that I follow....I eat WHATEVER I want on holidays. That's not to say I run around all day seeing how many cookies and cupcakes I can cram in my mouth, but if we sit down to Thanksgiving dinner, I put what I want on my plate. I don't measure, I don't deprive myself. It's one of the days of the year that I can enjoy with my family and just eat without reading labels and measuring.

    Hope you had fun, and don't stress too much about it, it will come off.
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    Hi - it might just be the food still in your system. It might not be fat weight. Be good for a week, and it should go back to normal.
    This happens to me all the time. I think I carry food around for like two days.