In need of Running Advice.



  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member

    1. Lift weights for stronger legs/core
    2. Take longer strides/improve running form
    3. Do sprints, if you are hardcore do hill sprints
    4. Be well rested before running
    5. caffeine

    2 and 3 increase dramatically your risk of injury.

    If you're going to do 5, you want to a) ensure you test it before your timetrial, and b) cut right down on caffeine before the timetrial to ensure you get the best effect.

    Apart from that, I'm a slow runner, so have little advice, and am just here to see what others suggest.

    Best of luck!
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Given the compressed time frame that you are working with, a lot of these suggestions aren't going to do you much good. Yes, for long term success, you need to run more miles and vary your training. But it takes time to develop more fitness and time is not something you have. Here is what I suggest.

    1. Lose weight. This is something that you can maybe accelerate and drop 6 to maybe even 8 pounds before you have to run the time trial. This will give you the best benefit of anything else being suggested.

    2. Practice running at the pace you need to run to reach the goal. Not faster, not slower. Go to the track and run a lap at the pace you need, then run one easy, run another at the pace you need, run another one easy. Get your body accustomed to running the pace that you need to to pass the test.

    I think those two things are really the only things that will give you any benefit with approximately 4 weeks to go.

    Be prepared to hurt. Short fast races/trials are not supposed to be pleasant. Good thing they don't last long. :smile:
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    First of all, good luck!
    1) Do you have some sort of app on your phone which can track your speed?
    2) You said that you start out fast and then slow down on the 4th lap.Maybe try starting a little slower (not much) and trying to keep your pace up - and even go for it on the last lap!
    3) I second CarsonRuns - if you're running hard it will hurt, you may feel a little uncomfortable. But headaches go away!
    edit 4) (I knew there was something else) Drink plenty of water and have something like a banana or a slice of toast beforehand so you're fuelled up and ready to go.