when your skinny you don't need to work out any more?



  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    she is jealous and expressing it in a weird way.

  • cyberskirt
    cyberskirt Posts: 218
    Darling, I'm really overweight and I think the gym is for everyone! my biggest motivation comes from seeing fit people at the gym and knowing that'll be me one day! and not a hundred years but 1 to 2 years that'll be me! And I'll still be going to the gym because I'll want to stay looking awesome!

    I already did the math, It will have taken me longer to get to the weight I was (15-20 years) than it will to lose it all and get fit... (1 to 2 years!)... 1 to 2 years seems like a long time until you put it in context! hehehe.

    Take the compliment that you look great. but boo on the woman for suggesting the gym isn't for fit people!
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    When I was about your age, I remember several different people at the gym making similar comments to me. One in particular said, "If I looked like you, I'd just sleep in and not bother coming up here." It's a compliment, but it's also really ignorant.

    I DID stop working out for 4 long years after I had 2 kids, and BEHOLD--my "before" picture--almost 40 lbs heavier than when I received those---ahem--complimentary comments. And believe me, no one was making comments like that anymore!!! lol

    USE IT OR LOSE IT!! Simple as that. Anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    She sounds like some friends that I have. Last year when I embarked on this journey, joined a gym and got a trainer, they all told me my trainer was the reason I was losing weight. If I didn't have the extra help and all the free time to go to the gym, that I wouldn't look the way I did.

    Well now that my one friend has graduated college, she's following in my footsteps to a T. She joined the same gym chain that I belong to, got herself a trainer and started couch to 5 k. She also admitted to me that working out with weights and going to the gym wasn't easy... I was like well no **** sherlock!

    Don't let her get to you.. one day when she's thin, hopefully she'll realize how stupid she sounded!
  • Yellabutterfly05
    Yellabutterfly05 Posts: 43 Member
    I agree. That green eyed devil attacked you unfairly. I love seeing women smaller than myself it is encouraging, and I love seeing women that are heavier than I am, its a reminder of how far I've come.
    she is jealous and expressing it in a weird way.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    That's silly, but in all honesty, it was surely coming from a place of jealousy..... People don't get it is hard *kitten* work to get in shape, and they can't imagine themselves working that hard so they pretend it's not possible for them.

    Besides, it's not about being skinny, it's about getting strong! And that most def takes continuous work!
  • gc_tweety
    gc_tweety Posts: 205 Member
    Just yesterday my sister n law asked me why i still work out since i'm so skinny. trust me, i still have weight to lose and muscles to firm up. it was a compiment but so strange that i had to "defend" my decision to become healthier.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    I workout so I can eat :)

    Exactly that!!
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 426 Member
    Before I started working out, I bought into all that genetics and some people are just fit stuff. I think most overweight and out of shape people do.

    Now after 2+ years of busting my butt at the gym, one of the things I have learned is that the fit people are there at the gym busting their butts most mornings along with me. Learning this was big for me, as it showed me that with hard work, I could achieve what they did, and stay that way.

    I have people tell me all the time that I exercise too much. I say hell no, this is what I need to do to maintain the weight loss I have achieved, and the level of fitness/musculature I want. Maybe you don't need to workout this much, but I do.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I'm not toned, but I've always been thin and people ask me all the time why I work out when I'm so skinny. Just like you said HOW DO THEY THINK WE GOT THIS WAY. We keep working at it to maintain it.
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    Ah, the tale of cholesterol, and other often hidden health matters (e.g. like Ostiop.), plague all of us, thus throwing a lot of water on the, "I'm skinny and no longer need to work out", mantra. Add to this the psychological benefits that come from endorphins which far outweigh the benefits of pharmacological alternatives, and I'd say that we all need to work out.

    Balance I say -- physically, mentally and spiritually. There are no substitutes or shortcuts.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I've always felt the opposite. Skinny people are thin because they do work on it :/, of course I know those few who don't need to work out or eat proper, just like a I know some big people who seem to eat like a bird and still gain weight easy but anytime I've been to a gym its always thin people which is probably how they are staying thing. I know my weight gain was from inactivity and then getting into poor eating habits.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I workout so I can eat :)
    This is certainly part of it, I must admit. I, for one, DON"T turn down the treat at work, etc. I don't have to, so I can enjoy it.
  • drdebbiejo
    When I started working out at one gym, the girl asked me what I wanted to focus on - my thighs, my butt, my tummy etc. (Apparently she thought they were a problem????) I told her I just wanted to be strong because no matter how hard I tried to be "pretty" there would always be someone who didn't think I was, but if I was in really great shape I could just kick their a**!!!

    When I was young I was skinny and not fit, and now as a thirty-something mom of two I'm a less-thin but much more fit woman, and I'm much better off now! Beauty is in health, not a 24-inch waistline. What a warped perception our society has. *sigh*

    Well, time to go kick some a**!
  • drdebbiejo
    Boo yeah! I actually get in shape faster when I cheat a little because it motivates me to work out harder! Chocolate is an amazing motivator. :happy:
  • kendrart
    kendrart Posts: 49 Member
    It's cool to see the people here who have realized that it is truly a lifestyle change and a commitment, not a short term plan. I'm also really humbled by the few comments praising the OP's positivity, and others wanting to express compassion. I get so frustrated with my overweight coworkers saying, in all seriousness, "but you're already skinny!" - that I don't stop to remember how helpless I felt 20+ pounds ago. I become so angry and impatient having to defend wanting to be healthy - I know I'm not 'fat' by most people's standards, but I'm not healthy! I'm not fit, I'm not in shape, I don't feel strong - I'm "skinny-fat" - that I don't stop myself from thinking the person is ignorant, when I should remember how daunting and overwhelming it can be.

    Something I realized the other day is that if I want to be strong and fit, I have to think like an athlete and train - not think like a girl on a diet.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    It does sound like she was being mean and I think you handled it beautifully!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I am going to assume the worst and say that she is jeoulous of you and that she is stupid.