Husband wants me to have dinner party!!!



  • AHatFullOfSky
    AHatFullOfSky Posts: 83 Member
    Hi, My husband want me to throw a dinner party. I don't feel ready to do a big meal. Sounds wierd but, It makes me anxious. Everyone expects a big meal, drinks and dessert. I told him I was not ready but, he just does not understand. What to do? I can not make diet food for company and it creates to much temptation. Any thoughts???

    If your husband want´s to have a dinner party, with food, drinks and all, why don´t he throw one himself?? Why does it have to be you planning it? Some special reason for that?
  • AHatFullOfSky
    AHatFullOfSky Posts: 83 Member
    Hello? Why isn't he cooking this himself?

    :laugh: That was my first response. If Jay (my hubby) told me I had to cook for a dinner he wanted to cook, I'd laugh and sit in my sweats all day and watch him panic to get everything done. Why? Cause he should have said, "Hey, I was thinking about throwing a dinner party, and would love it if you cooked with me." And then divvy up the chores. I love cooking, and I don't mind parties too much, but being told that I had to do all the cooking when I didn't want to do anything in the first place? Yeah, **** that.

    This! LOL
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    If you want some ideas p.m. me!
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member

    Healthy food does not always equal bad tasting food. If so, then you're doing it wrong. End of discussion.

    Never said it did, there's some lovely tasting healthy food. But most people recognise that non-healthy tastes better. the few that think otherwise are in the minority

    It's time. That's what it boils down to and I will admit being guilty of this. It's easier to just buy crap or eat somewhere than it is to cook and prepare from scratch. Does the food taste better? Not really. It's the fact that it's there and it's available. So many of us are running around like crazy because of our busy lives. I can't tell you how many times I've gone some place and left fat, bloated, and unsatisfied. I'm done doing that but it does take discipline to make the right meals. I promise that when I make flank steak with gorgonzola and chive sauce with orzo, NO ONE complains and it's healthy and light! As a matter of fact I've made it for other people who were having dinner parties and wanted to serve it to their guests! :wink:

    This flank steak with Gorgonzola and orzo sounds delish. Would you want to share your recipe?
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    The first issue is that he needs to not be a lazy *kitten*. This gender stereotype thing where you must cook cos you're the woman? WTF's with that? He can ask you to help him if he's not confident in the kitchen, but should not be demanding this of you for his friends.

    Secondly, should you (read both of you) decide to cook a dinner party, let me assure you it is easy to do it healthily! I do it all the time. When in doubt we do a nice roast with a lean protein (a whole chicken or rack of lamb etc), some vegetables (oven roasted with only a bit of salt, rosemary & evoo), and a gravy on the side (just not for me). Just serve it in the middle of the table and help yourself to what you want! Then you can guarantee it will easily fit into any macros/calorie limit.

    I have found moroccan is also a great way to do this, a tagine or two - mostly meat and vegetables/lentils depending on what you decide to make, with some cous cous etc. Again great to stick in the middle of the table to share. The best part about the moroccan was the super healthy desert everyone thought was exotic :P. It was just cubes of watermelon soaked in a little rosewater and torn up mint leaves. Healthy and delicious!

    Hopefully that gives you a couple of ideas, and remember you don't have to live on dry chicken breast and green salad to have a healthy diet!!

  • JaneUK
    JaneUK Posts: 102
    I have found moroccan is also a great way to do this, a tagine or two - mostly meat and vegetables/lentils depending on what you decide to make, with some cous cous etc. Again great to stick in the middle of the table to share. The best part about the moroccan was the super healthy desert everyone thought was exotic :P. It was just cubes of watermelon soaked in a little rosewater and torn up mint leaves. Healthy and delicious!

    Tagine was my thought too. Easy to prepare in advance. You can do a couple of different flavours for the couscous too - I like mint and lemon, for example.

    Another idea is Swahili prawns. Again, prepare the sauce in advance and then add the prawns for the last few mins of cooking.

    I would also think about Salad Nicoise for a starter, using fresh tuna rather than tinned.

    The fact that you are being asked to cook for something that you're not keen on doing is a separate issue, but I would nevertheless do the cooking myself and stay in control of what goes on the table!

  • LemonSnap
    LemonSnap Posts: 186 Member
    The first issue is that he needs to not be a lazy *kitten*. This gender stereotype thing where you must cook cos you're the woman? WTF's with that? He can ask you to help him if he's not confident in the kitchen, but should not be demanding this of you for his friends.

    Secondly, should you (read both of you) decide to cook a dinner party, let me assure you it is easy to do it healthily! I do it all the time. When in doubt we do a nice roast with a lean protein (a whole chicken or rack of lamb etc), some vegetables (oven roasted with only a bit of salt, rosemary & evoo), and a gravy on the side (just not for me). Just serve it in the middle of the table and help yourself to what you want! Then you can guarantee it will easily fit into any macros/calorie limit.

    I have found moroccan is also a great way to do this, a tagine or two - mostly meat and vegetables/lentils depending on what you decide to make, with some cous cous etc. Again great to stick in the middle of the table to share. The best part about the moroccan was the super healthy desert everyone thought was exotic :P. It was just cubes of watermelon soaked in a little rosewater and torn up mint leaves. Healthy and delicious!

    Hopefully that gives you a couple of ideas, and remember you don't have to live on dry chicken breast and green salad to have a healthy diet!!


    We're having beef tajine for dinner tonight. It's so easy to throw together and just let slowly cook on the stove top (we also use the 'tajine' for cooking vegetables on the BBQ during summer (winter here now)).

    Purchased a second 'tajine' so we can serve two dishes - say, a beef and a chicken dish - at dinner parties. Looks great at dinner parties, especially if you add smaller decorative bowls around the table for condiments and nibbles.


    Something that always presents fabulously at a dinner party is a whole poached fish. A large salmon or trevally (much cheaper but delicious). Add a serving bowl of boiled veg - baby potatoes and green beans or asparagus - with a light lemon sauce in a sauce boat. Let everyone help themselves to as much as they like.

    The days of 60s style big heavy, creamy, buttery meals is well gone. The trend now is toward fresh flavours with fresh foods.

    OK, some nice cheeses on the table never goes astray. But add a platter of lovely fresh exotic fruits for people to help themselves to for dessert.

    Nobody calls any of this 'diet food'.


    I'm adding the watermelon and rosewater idea to my 'recipe reminder' log.
  • jackspack
    jackspack Posts: 13 Member
    Grill Chicken / Salad/ Salsa and chips (Fresh - I can send you a recipe). And tell him to get his but cooking too!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    How did it go?
  • WickedPixie1
    WickedPixie1 Posts: 111 Member
    There is a multitude of low calorie, healthy food out there...just google ethnic recipes and you can make an international selection...then it doesn't seem like mundane diet food.