Does anyone else find this exhausting?

I have struggled with my weight all my life, and now for about 3 years now I have been trying to watch what I eat and make healthier choices, and even in the last year and a half struggling with binge eating. I just feel like constantly thinking about food (planning healthy options, cravings for sugary foods, grocery lists etc. I'm tired and frustrated with it. I just want to be like normal people who don't have to think about food all the time :/ ugh. OK I'm done whining.


  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    I know skinny people who write out a meal plan for the whole week on Sunday! Every meal and snack is laid out and they go to the grocery store with that list. I know for me I was eating randomly for dinner even though I could plan breakfast, lunch and snacks. So a few weeks ago I went out and stocked up on frozen meals, haven't done that in years, but it just made my life so much easier and healthier. I found low cal sugary snacks like vitatops and weight watchers ice cream bars.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I found that after I went 30days without a certain food, that once I started to eat it again, it made me sick. So take things slow and see how long you can go without a particular food. Maybe try to substitute something with more veggies. If you need something sweet, get some fruit and water and see if the craving goes away.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I understand where you're coming from and at times I've felt that way as well. But, you would feel just as frustrated and exhausted if you weren't doing anything to work on your weight. And whining every now and then can help off load the frustration, but stay focused and know that in the end you will be healthier and appreciate the work!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Meal planning and grocery shopping are just part of being an adult for many people that don't have servants to do it for us. Healthy or unhealthy you have to eat something.

    As for craving sweets the only advice I have is what worked for me. Give them up cold turkey for a while (several weeks). When you eat them again you'll find that they taste so sweet you can't eat too many. Unless it's TOM and then it's best to just not have them around. I don't know if that will work for you, but it did for me.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I like the idea of planning as much as you can for the week too - takes a little extra time on the weekends but then you dont have to think too much about it the rest of the week. Also, once I got a routine of certain meals/recipes that I know will fit nicely into my calories, I just kept rotating those every week or two. And if you get bored, go to or and you can find something new pretty easily.

    Something I noticed a year or so ago is that the skinnier/healthier people I know don't eat clean 100% of the time. They do as well as they can most of the time then they don't have to worry when they go out to eat or go to happy hour (as long as it's not a daily occurrance). It was such an aha! moment for me! I used to think they were so lucky because when I saw them at functions they'd be trying a bit of everything and drinking and not worrying about a thing, meanwhile I'm wondering how many calories are in this mini eclair and how much will it make my hips expand?! LOL!

    Just knowing it wasn't impossible took a lot of pressure off for me. I knew as long as I did well with eating and exercising 80-90% of the time, it might take longer but I'd get there and it wouldn't be so hard. And it hasn't been. I still eat the foods I love, just in slightly healthier versions and in healthy portions - or I work my *kitten* off in the gym so I can "afford" the extra calories. Sure I go over once in a while (like today) but I'm still losing so why stress about it?
  • Tallblondechick
    The only thing exhausting for me is carrying the extra weight. I want to feel light again.
  • QueenGorgo
    QueenGorgo Posts: 75 Member
    Gosh I would never want to be normal..

    But seriously..the people that never pay attention to what they eat and just blindly shove gthe nearest food into their mouths are either fat, skinny fat or will be one of those two in the furture..and a lot of people feel guilt about how they eat and feel but don't have the will to change and they secretly look at people like you with a lot of respect cause you're doing something they couldn't do..

    I mean you could always just stop and let the chips fall where they may.. least then you'd be normal right?
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    The only thing exhausting for me is carrying the extra weight. I want to feel light again.

  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I'll take tired, frustrated, and thin over fat, diabetic, and dead.
  • pattyblair51
    It looks like you are doing great through all the frustration. It really is difficult since we are a food oriented society. All the commercials and food shows. It has been difficult for me with the grandkids here for the summer. I have managed to stay on track most of the time. If I have a sugar cookie that we have just baked I count the calories and try to eat healthier. I have added protein smoothies with fruit to my menu. That satisfies my sweet tooth most of the time.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    When my friends see me, they assume I am a normal person eating what ever I like.

    What they don't know is that I constantly track my food everyday and exercise vigorously 2 - 3 times a week. It's a lifetime commitment.

    Children become a lifetime commitment as well. Your health is no different.
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    I already do grocery lists and meal planning every 2 weeks usually. I find though, that if I plan out what I will eat every meal/snack, I don't feel like eating it on that day and I go off track. So I'm trying doing it every week so I can get a bit more change when I get tired of it.
    I think what's most frustrating is that I am thinking about food seriously, 24/7. I lay in bed thinking about it as soon as my head hits the pillow (thinking about healthy food choices for my next grocery list, I usually change my mind and write 10 lists throughout the list by the time grocery shopping day comes) I am on my computer or writing in my notebook to look for new recipes, or on these message boards. That's what is exhausting. I just don't want to think about food anymore!
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    I am exhausted. Still have that 200+lb thinking about food.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I already do grocery lists and meal planning every 2 weeks usually. I find though, that if I plan out what I will eat every meal/snack, I don't feel like eating it on that day and I go off track. So I'm trying doing it every week so I can get a bit more change when I get tired of it.
    I think what's most frustrating is that I am thinking about food seriously, 24/7. I lay in bed thinking about it as soon as my head hits the pillow (thinking about healthy food choices for my next grocery list, I usually change my mind and write 10 lists throughout the list by the time grocery shopping day comes) I am on my computer or writing in my notebook to look for new recipes, or on these message boards. That's what is exhausting. I just don't want to think about food anymore!

    Is there a reason you have to plan everything so strictly. I can't imagine planning my meals in advance. It's 3:45 p.m. and I don't know what I'm going to fix for dinner. I keep a well stocked pantry, fridge and freezer, so I have several options at home to work with, or I may stop at the store on the way home from work and get something to prepare.

    The only meal I usually plan in advance is lunch, which I pack in the morning before work. Otherwise i just decide what I want when meal time rolls around.
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    2 reasons 1) If I don't plan, I will be starving and eat something I shouldn't. "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" comes to mind. Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone, because it seems to be working for you not to plan everything :)
    2) I'm on a budget, so it's cheaper to write out a meal plan, and buy just those items on my list.

    Almost every afternoon, the cravings for junk hits and I am thinking about food again. I go through the battles with myself about weather or not I should eat something, and almost always lose and eat way too much junk. I've tried strict planning, I've tried not planning, I've tried calorie counting and only allowing 1200 calories, I've tried calorie counting and allowing 1600-200 calories and I''ve tried not counting at all. I just feel like I am OBSESSED with food :/
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    Nothing tastes as good to me as the thought of being thin feels!

    If planning is a problem, there are a couple of sites you can try that will assist with the planning/grocery lists: is a pay per use service, you select the type of meals you would like, low carb, clean, family dinners and weekly you log on and your new menu and list is right there. Not only that, it will add new recipes to your repertoire in case you're tired of the same old stuff.

    If you're into free, and have the time to pour over recipes and find ones you like, go to You can add items to your grocery list based on the recipes you select and you can make a meal plan for those recipes as well.

    Also, I've found that if I keep healthy snacks available all throughout the day, I'm less likely to binge on crap...namely the three bowls of various chocolate and other candies we keep in my office for the general population :)
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    Also, are you drinking enough water? Sometimes the cravings will go away if you drink a glass or two. It helps to make you feel full.
  • MissNordicLight
    MissNordicLight Posts: 140 Member
    I know what you mean, I feel exactly the same. When I eat one meal, I already thinking about my next. It's the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last before I fall asleep. I plan my food, my drinks, my free meals, my exercise. Everything, all the time. And I agree, it's SO tiring ....

    I want to live life and I want food to be a natural part of it, but I don't and it's not. I'm currently seeing a life-coach, she is helping me to start living again. Focus on the now, do things that I love etc. It's helping a little bit, but I'm still obsessed. It's like if I obsess about my weight I don't have to deal with my REAL problems (for example that I'm lonely or that I don't like my job).

    Even though I'm constantly thinking about food and exercise, my weight loss is very slow. I started last January and have lost 15 kg so far, that's less than 2 lbs PER MONTH. And so many times I have asked myself, what's the point? So much effort, so little payoff. But then again, what is the alternative?
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Remember this: Success always looks so easy once it's achieved. When you look at anyone who has achieved any dream no matter what it is, it looks so natural and like it was meant to be. But, it wasn't. It was forced, took lots of hard difficult sacrifice, and it continues to be that way to stay there. Success is never easy, simple, or unplanned, I mean, there are a few trust fund babies, or people who win the lottery. But, geez, that so few in the world that you really can't worry about it. Most people had to earn it. And, it is very difficult for all of them. Even if you look at the big trainers, think Jillian Michaels, she struggles everyday, but she tackles it and addresses it, and works through it. It's not easy for anyone. Just remember that. It looks like it, but it's not.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Meal planning and grocery shopping are just part of being an adult for many people that don't have servants to do it for us. Healthy or unhealthy you have to eat something.

    While true-- for some of us it is a bit more taxing on the brain cells (well, for me anyway with my old brain cells)....

    There is [1] the normal eating plans in general (for those who don't have servants to do it for them) [2] maintaining the proper mix of protein and sugars eaten at the right time intervals (all day every day) to control hypoglycemia (then hope it doesn't somehow mess with my migraines) [3] 3 kids with different food allergies... (and add in counting calories and logging them)..some weeks I with they had a pill for nutrients and I could stop thinking about food!