What do I do now?!

Hi guys I'm at the point now where I've acheieved my weightloss! I'm 5 7" and 118lbs after losing about 20lbs in the past 5months(ish)
But here's the dilemma I did it in what I thought was healthy, setting my weight loss to a couple pounds a week at 1200 calories and started exercising but somehow gradually I started restricting more and more I got uncomfortable seeing my cal intake at above 1000 and stopped logging my exercise so I dont eat back my exercise calories. 2 weeks ago I weighed in for the first time and saw no change, which In one respect i was fine with as I'm at my goal and wish no further weight loss but on the other side I was scared. Does this mean my metabolism has finally slowed? Since that weigh in I have been trying to incorp a day which I break 1200 and not be as precise willing myself to break a 1000 but I'm terrified of gaining weight back.. And just don't know what to do?!


  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I think you should be eating more. 1200 is the bare minimum that you should consume from what I gather. Not eating enough causes your body to not lose... That may be why you didnt see any results on the scale. Try upping your calories. you are quite thin for your height so I would be scared to lose more. Just because you stop logging your excersise doesnt mean that those expended cals go away....the behavior that you are exhibiting is on the unhealthy side. You will NOT gain weight if you do what I am suggesting.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You really do need to be eating a lot more... Try upping your cals by 100 per week, and you should log yor exercise cals as you will need to eat them back when you get to maintenance.