Stress Fractures and Muscle Spasms

I recently (9 weeks ago) got a stress fracture in my metatarsal (foot/toe area) . I did low impact exercise for 6 weeks and noticed zero difference in my foot healing. Therefore, I stopped exercise all together for 3 weeks. Some days my foot hurts really bad still and others it doesn't hurt at all. However, now I get extremely painful "spasms" or "charlie horses" through the arch of my foot. They are so bad that it literally bends my toes sideways and flexes them without ME doing it. It's as if the muscle starting from the metatarsal and up through my arch and heel get super super tight causing my toes to almost curl. Has anyone had experience with this? Sometimes it will hit me in the middle of the night and I wake up in pain. I have a doctors appointment scheduled, but I'm wondering if the stress fracture and spasms are related to one another.
Thanks in advance!