thyoid isssues anyone?

Things are different when you have thyroid issues. I know because I am a trainer and I have seen many people lose weigh just fine when they put forth a good attempt. Thyroid suffers must go the extra mile in my eyes. Any thoughts or experiences in this area?


    1MOMOISME Posts: 25
    I am a thyroid sufferer, I have hypothyroidism. For about 15 years I have had all the symptoms but no doctor would help me, stating my symptoms were pretty vague! I used to kill myself at the gym 3-4 days a week for about 2-3 hours a day trying to lose weight. I had a trainer and he was stumped. I did this for 3 years and didn't lose a single pound. I was on a 1200 calorie diet and nothing would move. After 3 years and not one pound lost I am sad to say I just gave up and resolved myself to being fat. I was still eating fairly healthy but was steadily gaining weight. I have always been active - so I am not one of those fat, lazy people, I usually run circles around my skinny friends because I am always doing something, even though that in itself is a struggle with thyroid issues. The fatigue is unreal! I finally found a Doctor (not in my town) that would listen to me and after being on thyroid now for 2 months I have lost 29 pounds! I lost 6 before I started on this site. I actually feel like myself again! I feel like I finally have my life back and I am once again in control. I am still very active and my kids and I are always doing something to stay physically active. My kids have all commented that geez mom you have always kept up with us - but now we have to keep up with you! Thyroid absolutely makes everyday activities a battle of the mind because the body has already raised the white flag. With proper treatment and the right mind set all things are possible, and THAT is what gets me going every morning!