Why am I so freaking hungry?



  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    PS great game to play is plants vs zombies lol!
  • mmenuey27
    mmenuey27 Posts: 51 Member
    I can relate. I am 27, 284 pounds and 5 foot 10. I went to the doctor who was obviously worried about my weight. I would say that I used to average about 2800 to 3000 calories a day (WOW, I know). I didn't really think about it I guess. Long story short, she said that if I stick to a 1500 calorie diet I would lose weight without even trying. Just making small steps such as walking to do errands when possible, and taking stairs instead of elevator. My plan is to stick to the diet till I reach 240-250 and then incorporate strength training into my daily life. I have seen this work because I have done it. I am not sure what happened when I fell off the wagon, but I am back on and I'm taking it a day at a time. If I look at the bigger picture than it's harder to do.
    Three weeks ago I broke my foot. I am limited on my mobility right now, and that increases my bordom which is making the calorie restriction harder, but I am trying my best. But I agree that as long as you restrict your calories exercise isn't necessary, but I also intend to incorporate it when I am closer to my goal (I'm thinking 220 pounds).
  • pfeiferfit
    pfeiferfit Posts: 138 Member
    If you're feeling hungry all the time, what about some (good) high fat solutions like a bit of avocado, or PB, etc. Those things also pack in the calories, but they're satisfying longer. I don't know beyond that - for me I have to eat a very low carb high protein diet to feel satisfied and not get into binge cycles, and have a few cheat days a month/one a week. Just getting back on the wagon now, but those things REALLY helped me earlier!!
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Cracking suggestions people, thank you very much. Sorry about the diary closed thang - I get quite vulnerable at times.
    Going for maintenance terrifies me. I've not long actually raised to TDEE -15%, which was a daily uppage of, I think, 130 calories. But yeah, perhaps I should do that and see how my body responds. Maybe tone down the workouts a little, pay more attention to food, watch acidic stuff.
    Angelcandi - I used to be about your weight, and I'm 3.5 inches shorter! It's true that it'll come off quite well through diet alone. Once your foot's good, I'd say go for strength training. Minimise muscle loss, build your core. It'll help no end with your skin as you shrink too - it's what I should have done.
    (And Plants Vs Zombies is addictive.)
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    More than likely, given how much exercise you do, that you simply are not eating enough to fuel it.
    I am maintaining at 126 Ibs, and I do about an hour exercise a day as well as walking and housework and my hrm and fitbit gives me between 2500 and 2800 per day to eat. So if you are heavier than myself, I imagine you are not eating enough, even when trying to lose weight. I would try upping by a few hundred calories, with something filling and protein based.
    Bloody hell, really? What exercising are you doing?

    I vary between cycling and the elliptical for an hour to 90 minutes per day, 6 days a week, and also walk about 15,000 + steps per day.