New here!

Hello :) I've been on MFP for almost a month now. In the beginning it was a real eye opener as far as nutrition (or lack there of) of things I was eating. My nutritionist is actually who recommend the site to me. I was having really bad pedal edema so I saw my doctor who ran tests to see if my organs were ok. When they came back ok, I was told it was my diet. I never thought it would happen to me, you know? I ate lots of crappy food in my teens and twenties and never had this "pedal edema" Though I'm not sure why I thought I was safe.... Some of the issues I remember my mother having as I was a teen are now happening to me.

I've been down the "weight loss" road before. Actually many times before. Throughout my teen years, after I got married, after both kids.... But it was always for the reason of getting back into smaller and smaller clothes. I still ate junk, just tried to find this "moderation" that is so highly publicized. And I've yo-yo'd through the years... My smallest was probably about 140 and my highest was about a month and a half ago, 239. I don't expect to ever see 140 again but my goal is to be healthy and fit in the 165 range.

My plan is the only plan I can feasible see as acceptable. Eating clean for the rest of my life. Which is basically a 180 for the former me. All my life I've been a carb-etarian. Never big on fruit, veg or meat. I've always preferred carbs (grains) and have eaten a diet of primarily carbs since I was a child. I know now that it was this that lead to my unhealthy body and to be healthy, almost all carbs had to go (including my beloved potato chips) The worst part is trying to get enough animal protein. I've always believed that meat was murder. Coming to terms with this issue philosophically has been hard but I don't feel there is an other option. July 13th I had an epiphany. Change or die. Because that was what I was doing to myself. Killing myself slowly. So either decide to live or end it now. So for me, the choice to eat clean wasn't hard. The choice to not eat crap food wasn't hard. It is what it is. My mom is my biggest motivating factor. She died at 43 years young mostly because of her crappy diet and stubborn attitude. I love her so much and miss her dearly but I have to break the cycle. I have to live clean and healthy and teach my kids to do the same.

So, LOL, the only friend I have on here right now is my buddy in real life. But I think he is falling off the wagon :/ If anyone else is new here and maybe in a similar situation feel free to add me :glasses:


  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    You don't have to eat meat. I do eat fish, mostly tuna, but I have plenty of vegan friends on here who rock the protein daily. You should join a group like eat clean or happy herbivores. Lots of awesome pals!
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    I appreciate your candor and I wish you much success in your efforts. I just hit 190 days on here. I would be happy to be your friend on here.
  • rdyne1
    rdyne1 Posts: 53
    I currently work at McDonald's and get a whopping 50% off on break and in every store across Australia 24/7 until October because I got crew member of the month. Now imagine trying to eat healthy with a stigma like that weighing you down. The longest I've gone without maccas is 3 months which compared to everyone I work with is a marathon haha I just joined this site today because I want to lose weight before I travel to the USA next year. It's been really great seeing how supportive everyone on here is and I hope that like so many others I'll be able to reach my weight goals, so if anyone else is also looking for a friend on here, hit me up!
  • ThatGrl32
    ThatGrl32 Posts: 20
    You don't have to eat meat. I do eat fish, mostly tuna, but I have plenty of vegan friends on here who rock the protein daily. You should join a group like eat clean or happy herbivores. Lots of awesome pals!

    Thanks for the suggestion :) I do need to be adding fish into my diet. I have never eaten "real" fish in my life. I can remember eating "fish sticks" as a kid and finding a blue vein thing in one and have never touched fish since. Honestly, fish is kinda scary to me and in the same "meat is murder" category. But over the next month, I plan to incorporate at least 2 fish dinners into the menu. I live in Italy right now so fresh fish is all around me, I have no excuses :)
  • ThatGrl32
    ThatGrl32 Posts: 20
    Thanks beertrollruss and rdyne1, I have added you both :smile:
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    Swordfish and Mahi Mahi are pretty mild tasting fish. Wild Atlantic Salmon is ideal, but it can taste pretty fishy. If you like spicy food, try ordering blackened fish. Another idea is fish tacos. If you have a Wahoo's, their fish tacos are delicious. Fish is almost always served with a lemon or lime. The lemon or lime is there to squeeze drops onto the fish and reduce the fish taste more.
  • rgm66
    rgm66 Posts: 33
    Im on here everyday so feel free to add me if you like
  • ambisweet
    ambisweet Posts: 25
    Fish is definitely alot healthier for you, however fried fish is horrible.
    So always go with baked!
    As for carbs, it is ok to eat a small amount of carbs but they should be whole grain!
    Stock up on the veggies! Fruit is great but in moderation. If you are like me, then you can probably eat half a
    thing of grapes in one setting, lol, so watch out and try to size. It is very difficult at first and will power is key!
    I fell off the wagon and I'm just now climbing back on, which is hard to do when your entire household is overweight and love their carbs! Lol.
    You've got a support buddy here if you need me! ^-^v