:) Recovering EDNOS college student

hi there :)
my names K, i am a college student in chicago, attempting to recover from an ED and find balance in my life
i play rugby, i love to run and i really enjoy cooking (i'm learning how to love eating like a normal person again too haha)
i'd love to get to know more college students on here, and anyone thats recovering from an ED too

i used to have mfp and it helped me lose over 50 pounds! i deleted it when i went abroad last winter and that's when things really started to get bad for me. i think its much better for me to have a place where i can track my food and exercise and make sure i am being truly balanced

don't be shy to add me and talk!


  • mkj22585
    mkj22585 Posts: 1
    Hi K!

    My name is Megan and it's nice to "meet" you! I am in a recovery from an eating disorder and started a nonprofit, Generation Mirror, with my twin sister two years ago in an effort to increase education and awareness of eating disorders, while supporting those who are affected by these disorders. I wanted to reach out because we are doing an exploratory meetup group on August 11th for those in recovery or recovered from an eating disorder. This isn't a therapy or support group, just a way for individuals who have had an eating disorder to connect in a fun, low key environment. You can check out more info on our website at www.genmirror.org or I can email you the info too. I see that you enjoy sports! We also have an active team, GM Crew, that participates in sports leagues and tournaments throughout the year. Not everyone who plays has had an eating disorder or been affected by one, so it's a great way to get the general public involved in our cause too:)

    I came across your post in a google alert and was excited to see that you are in Chicago! I hope that your recovery is going well and that you are finding the balance you need. I am in Chicago as well, so let me know if you ever want to connect!

    Megan Jedlinski