Insanity questions

Will I still benefit from insanity if I take longer than the set 30 second water break? I find it helps me to do the next set of exercises with better form. Also, I can't do press ups. I'm a scrawny woman with a fairly heavy chest who can't lift my own weight, so I really struggle with the moving press ups, ect. Will I still benefit even a bit from doing modified standard press ups during this time? I know it goes against digging deeper, but I find my arms just give out and they've already moved on to the next exercise as I'm so slow!

Thanks for any replies! I don't have a heart rate monitor so can't see how this affects my calorie burn, and am more interested in how it will effect my endurance improvements.


  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    If you need longer take longer! As it keeps saying go at your own pace!

    I too can not do push ups, i try to do proper ones but if im finding it really hard i go to my knees, not sure if it affects it but i did day 3 today doing it and still burnt 501 cals.
  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    Even those on the tv take more rests so don't feel bad about that, it just means u are working hard.

    and if you can't do a move modify it :)

    I just got my 'earned it' shirt in the mail and I love insanity so much!!
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    As long as you are doing something that pushes YOU personally, it's fine to modify. I did modified pushups a lot throughout the first month until I felt comfortable with regular ones. And take the breaks you need, if your form is bad, you won't benefit as much as you could with better form. You're on the right track. Good luck with Insanity, I love it! :)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    yes, pause the video and recover from the exercise. don't push yourself to the extreme. however, don't pause it and take five minutes to recover either. your goal should be to finish the entire video and exercise in it's entended length.
  • hummerseeker
    hummerseeker Posts: 17 Member
    I just finished Insanity, and I didn't start out keeping up with them at all. But you WILL improve EACH time you do a workout, believe it or not. You will be amazed at how your body will respond. By the end of the two months, I couldn't believe that I did it. Just keep doing what you can do, take a break just long enough to recover from the pain, then go some more. I never stopped the videos, just did what I could do, and it IS enough! As long as it is a challenge for YOU, that's all that matters. And I have found that it is equally challenging at the end as it was at the begining, because I am still pushing myself to the MAX each time. It never really gets easy, but it does get do-able! Keep it up!