What have you learned about yourself?

tlblood Posts: 473 Member
edited December 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
When I was growing up, there were 5 in our family, so my mom always made a main entree and 2-3 side dishes, usually including at least one fruit/vegetable and a starch or bread. When I moved out and lived by myself, I was trying to cook the way mom did, but quickly found that I didn't need nearly that much food.

For whatever reason, there always seemed to be a competion between me and my sisters to see who got the last _____(piece of bread or scoop of noodles) and I was always stuffed at the end of dinner. As I continue on my weight loss journey, I've figured out that I don't need to eat until I'm full; that consumes way too many calories on top of just being uncomfortable. Instead, I can eat until I'm satisfied...just enough that I'm not hungry any more. I don't need a three egg omlette stuffed with ham and cheese with a side of pancakes; I'm perfectly content with one egg, a slice of ham, and two pieces of toast.

What about you? What have you learned?
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