
Well, i'm ending week 3 of P90X this week and have actually gained 2 lbs since then. i hope it's muscle weight b/c now i'm doing 45 pushups now instead of the 30 i started out doing in week 1 and have went up substantially on weights on other exercises. i've ate right for these 3 weeks but i measure my waist weekly and haven't lost any inches. This is what my normal diet involves each day.
Bfast - 6AM Liquid egg whites/FF shredded cheese/Franks hot sauce
snack - 9AM Pure Protein Bar
lunch 12PM- 2 carb master yogurts/20 red grapes
snack - 3PM apple and 2 handful of plain almonds
P90X workout - 4:30 ; 5:30
Post workout protein shake - 5:30ish
supper 6:30PM - whole can of chicken or tuna on a 100 whole wheat wrap/shredded lettuce/FF sliced cheese, a handful of baked lays chips and salsa.

I also drink 4 bottled waters throughout the day at work as well as 2 - 3 more during the evenings at home.

Now, seeing this, WHY AM I NOT LOSING ANY WEIGHT! Not as much as the weight but inches off my waist. Getting frusterated. i'm about to the poing in ordering that Acai Berry thing advertised on the front page of this website along w/ the colon cleanser. Any thoughts??? Thanks in advance.


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Well, i'm ending week 3 of P90X this week and have actually gained 2 lbs since then. i hope it's muscle weight b/c now i'm doing 45 pushups now instead of the 30 i started out doing in week 1 and have went up substantially on weights on other exercises. i've ate right for these 3 weeks but i measure my waist weekly and haven't lost any inches. This is what my normal diet involves each day.
    Bfast - 6AM Liquid egg whites/FF shredded cheese/Franks hot sauce
    snack - 9AM Pure Protein Bar
    lunch 12PM- 2 carb master yogurts/20 red grapes
    snack - 3PM apple and 2 handful of plain almonds
    P90X workout - 4:30 ; 5:30
    Post workout protein shake - 5:30ish
    supper 6:30PM - whole can of chicken or tuna on a 100 whole wheat wrap/shredded lettuce/FF sliced cheese, a handful of baked lays chips and salsa.

    I also drink 4 bottled waters throughout the day at work as well as 2 - 3 more during the evenings at home.

    Now, seeing this, WHY AM I NOT LOSING ANY WEIGHT! Not as much as the weight but inches off my waist. Getting frusterated. i'm about to the poing in ordering that Acai Berry thing advertised on the front page of this website along w/ the colon cleanser. Any thoughts??? Thanks in advance.

    Firs things first, where are all the veggies, and all the fiber? 6 to 7 servings of veggies are needed, I'm seeing less than 2 for you.
    Your whole day should revolve around vegetables, you should try to have one serving (and different kinds if possible) with every meal. Fruits are ok, but not good as veggies as they contain a lot of sugar and usually less fiber.

    Also, can you give us access to your food diary please?

    Remember, exercise programs are great, but what you eat is the biggest reason for weight management/ weight loss. Exercise helps, but eating right, and eating enough is always the most important factor in weight.
  • BossyGirl
    BossyGirl Posts: 173 Member
    In addition to the veggie thing, sometimes I think the body tends to hang on to the lbs at first. Like SHBoss said, fiber is very important for weight loss.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    How closely are you following the nutrition guide they sent you. I know for me having only two servings of vegetables during phase 1 was not enough, and they typically limit your fruit intake in that phase. For instance 1 fruit with 4 servings of vegetables for a 1800 calorie a day level 1 phase 1. I suggest you get your nutrition guide and follow it closely. Note, that P90x is not a weight loss routine, more of a muscle building routine. YOu will shed fat and inches give it time as you follow the nutrition guide.