The Fat/Skinny/Fit triple standard



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Have thought the same many times, but couldn't have put it better myself.

    When I was much younger and very slim, people would comment on it and how I was too skinny and should eat more...I'm sure they would have loved me telling them they're too big and should eat less.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    One of my least favorite things about this site is how it's fine to bash thin people but not fat. Kinda hypocritical...

    This is kinda of an interesting comment, becuase aren't we on this site to get THIN!!! Some of us started sooner and have achieved that goal, and others are just starting.. Sooo I agree with you. It's silly.
  • smartmom0818
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Good point OP.

    I just wish people would stop treating other people's bodies as 'public property' to comment and put their views about. Celebrities, models, random people, anyone.... That body belongs to the person living in it - whatever goes on in there is between that person and perhaps their doctor. End of story.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    Nice post, and OP I just have to add; Girl your boobies are EPIC!

    see i was gonna say that but it sounds better from her #doublestandard...

    As for the triple standard, i agree wholeheartedly, its hypocrisy, we can dish but not take.
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member

    if you post a photo then you're inviting opinions. actually anything that you post is invitation for opinions. and once you open up the door to opinions, then it's very possible that you're going to hear things you dont like or dont agree with. this isnt a new issue for the internet, this has been around since the humans have spoken publicly.

    people are free to have their opinions on anything. if you think something looks good then that should be enough. honestly too many women base their self esteem on other people's opinions. it's called SELF esteem for a reason. if that person is posting photos just to get some pats on the back then they have already failed in the self esteem department, regardless of what the responses are. their self esteem should be based on internal things, not on what some random strangers think.

    I just put up the picture saying "this is my role model" and i feel like not only are you bringing down the person in the photo but youre trying to bring me down from what i view as a goal. I wasnt always slim, i was 220 lbs so to tell me that something is gross and i shouldnt aim for that body, uhhh nothing can be as gross as i looked at 220 lbs so i disagree.

    the problem wasnt that they had their own opinions, the problem was HOW they said it and the repulsiveness they acted also happened to be from big girls.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    We are all here to get healthy. Everyone just need to be nice. Parts of me are fat, parts of me are skinny and parts of me are fit. I can pick apart myself better than anyone else so I just dont worry about others.

    Ditto on the boobage!!!
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    I don't think any one type of body shame is worse or better than the other. ALL body shame is terrible and it has to stop. It hurts, no matter what. Skinny girls calling other girls lardo, big girls calling skinny girls twiggy, it's all horrible. We should not be dragging people down for any reason, especially for something as stupid as what they look like on the outside. Isn't it so much more important that women are intelligent, funny, driven, successful, or a million other things before worrying about if they're 'too big' or 'too thin' or 'too muscular'?

    I've always been a big girl and it has always bothered me how some (some, not all) "fat positive" sites take to bashing skinny women. I once saw a joke on one about "things fat girls can do that skinny girls can't: digest food." Really?
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    I don't think any one type of body shame is worse or better than the other. ALL body shame is terrible and it has to stop. It hurts, no matter what. Skinny girls calling other girls lardo, big girls calling skinny girls twiggy, it's all horrible. We should not be dragging people down for any reason, especially for something as stupid as what they look like on the outside. Isn't it so much more important that women are intelligent, funny, driven, successful, or a million other things before worrying about if they're 'too big' or 'too thin' or 'too muscular'?

    I've always been a big girl and it has always bothered me how some (some, not all) "fat positive" sites take to bashing skinny women. I once saw a joke on one about "things fat girls can do that skinny girls can't: digest food." Really?

    Amen. Why can't people just stop with the comments already?
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    So i've noticed that a lot of thin/fit/skinny people take more heat and criticism than overweight/obese people.

    Seriously. I mean why is it ok to say a fit person ( a woman with abs) is gross or manly or disgusting and then its not okay to say a fat person is gross or manly or disgusting?

    I had put a picture up of a girl with abs (the day of her competition so she had a tan and serious definition due to carb cutting) and the comments were ridiculous (mind you, this isnt the first time ive put a picture up like that and heard ridiculous comments) and its funny how many overweight/obese FEMALES commented on how "gross" it was...

    Had I been just as judgmental and hurtful as these people I couldve said, how would you feel if that pic you took at the beach the other day was commented with "gross" or "thats disgusting"...why do we live in such a country that people can't just allow people to do whatever it is they want with their bodies without judging them or passing ridiculous and hurtful comments? What happened to the do unto others?

    I will always admire a female with matter how "attractive or non attractive" i feel it is...Its hard work and it takes a lot more dedication than sitting around and being overweight does.

    I'm sick and tired of hearing how it is socially unacceptable (and possibly a law suit) to "harass" someone by saying theyre overweight, but its okay to criticize and harass a female competitors body....

    Rant over.

    Well said and you are my new hero! :flowerforyou:
  • mirandamayhem
    I agree with you 100% ALL body shame is body shame. And it needs to stop.

    Yes yes yes.

    It is never acceptable.

    The sort of pictures I don't like are the "thinspirational" things, that show an airbrushed torso and nothing else. But a woman who has put effort in, dammit I probably will be jealous, but full of admiration!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Sometimes, I just sit around feeling my muscles. I can't believe they are there, and I can't believe how good I look. I think muscles on both men and women are sexy.

    I am with you on this: :-).
  • RoastyToasty
    RoastyToasty Posts: 17 Member
    Cheers to this thread! There is a difference between not being attracted to a particular body type and straight up trashing it.
    We are all here with different end goals and different body image desires, no two people will want the exact same thing in the end.

    And while I don't aim to look like a body builder, serious props to the women that have achieved that kind of fitness! That takes some serious dedication and work.
  • Onemoodycuss
    Onemoodycuss Posts: 95 Member
    Had I been just as judgmental and hurtful as these people I couldve said, how would you feel if that pic you took at the beach the other day was commented with "gross" or "thats disgusting"...

    if you post a photo then you're inviting opinions. actually anything that you post is invitation for opinions. and once you open up the door to opinions, then it's very possible that you're going to hear things you dont like or dont agree with. this isnt a new issue for the internet, this has been around since the humans have spoken publicly.

    people are free to have their opinions on anything. if you think something looks good then that should be enough. honestly too many women base their self esteem on other people's opinions. it's called SELF esteem for a reason. if that person is posting photos just to get some pats on the back then they have already failed in the self esteem department, regardless of what the responses are. their self esteem should be based on internal things, not on what some random strangers think.

    Preach it.
    You can't let someone else's negativity become your own.
    *kitten* and opinions...everyone's got one. When you open yourself up on a social site you invite both (*kitten* and opinions).