Toning up the stomach area

Are there any mothers who have found it hard to tone up your stomach after having a C-section? I was just curious...I wanted to know if there are any particular exercise that helped you.


  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    Here's my thread regarding the same subject although I delivered naturally. Maybe some of the information there will help you.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Are there any mothers who have found it hard to tone up your stomach after having a C-section? I was just curious...I wanted to know if there are any particular exercise that helped you.

    I was wondering the same, I had to deliver both of my children by C-Section unfortunately
  • MrsE2010
    I have recently delivered my 2nd child by cesarian and I would love to hear any suggestions. I have been unsuccessful thus far.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I had a c-section for my first child, and will be having another in Feb. After my first one, it took a while, but I definitely saw positive changes in my belly. Reverse crunches are a great exercise to help. Overall weight training will help as well. I did a lot of Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred, which gave great results. I also loved it because it was only 25 minutes a day. I'm not sure when you had your c-sections, but even after losing weight, it takes time... like at least a year, maybe more.

    Hope this helps!