No Subject!

I have just been reading posts about the crazy things people say to you about losing weight. I do need to lose weight, theres no doubt about it! Not as much as some people but more than others. I think the turning point for me was over two years ago after I wa struggling to walk up a hill. Basically, my husband had just run a marathon and we had to walk up this hill to get back to the car. My husband and our two boys almost ran up it leaving me behind having to stop every few minutes because I was so out of breath. So over the past few years, I've lost about a stone and a half. It has become more and more important for me and my family to lead a healthy lifestyle even more since my brother in law (husband's younger brother) suddenly dropped dead of a heart attack and unknown high blood pressure at the age of ONLY 34 years old (April 2011). Bit of an eye opener really.

Rightly or wrongly, I do have very strong views on diet and exercise. The parents in law don't help when they take the kids swimming and then feed them with adult size portions of Macdonalds including milk shake and ice cream! I haven't got a problem with things like Macdonalds but in moderation! Their excuse was, 'oh they used up a lot of energy whilst swimming'. FFS, the amount of crap thats in Macdonalds - just because they've used up a lot of energy, doesn't make it right to give them adult sized portions and we've tried to broach the subject with diet with them before! And it was their own son who died! OK, enough said and rant over. How do you feel about food, nutrition and exercise? smile