I need a strength training plan, HELP!

freew67 Posts: 348 Member
Most of my life the weight room wasnt a place you would find me. While I have spent time in one, it was for football. Many moons later and 100+ lbs gone, I need to start adding some muscle before I turn into that skinny fat guy. As of right now, a typical week for me looks like this:

3-4 days a week jogging anywhere from 3-5 miles/day
3-4 days a week walking 30-60 mins/day
1-2 days a week riding my bike 7-10 miles/day (this is more hit and miss right now due to weather)

I dont have any free weights or have the means to join a gym. Since the donations are not rolling in, I know I have some limitations. My long term goal is doing a sprint duathlon/triathlon. From my understanding, core strength is a must (but what sport isnt it). Now my questions.

Can I seriously strength train without any weights?
Will it get to a point where my body weight wont be enough to keep gaining?
What type of program can I do 3X a week to get me moving in the right direction?

I figure when my body isnt enough I will worry about that when I cross that bridge but for now I want to get started doing something. My upper body is my weakest link. I like having a list of what to do, thats just how my brain works. I do own 1 25 lb kettlebell.

Lets here those ideas!



  • lucyannp
    lucyannp Posts: 15
    not that I'm the ideal person to give advice (5'2, female, no interest in triathlons) but when I saw your post I was interested.

    You can improve your strength without weights and you don't need a gym membership... I used to do something called outdoor fitness (it was a group but easily done on your own) which was a programme of mixed cardio and strength using the natural environment. Shuttleruns between trees in the park, sit ups with feet on a fence, press-ups against a tree, plank holds of various types. It's good to mix it up- never do the exact same workout twice. The equivalent is military fitness (they run sessions in my local park in the UK) but they tend to shout at you! There are probably some youtube videos to give you the right idea.

    I was also interested to hear you own a kettlebell as these are perfect for developing core strength- I also take classes in these. You need to make sure you get the right technique for the swing (so you don't hurt your back) and then I'm sure there will be workout videos online for that too. Highly recommended- I've only been working with kettlebells for 3 weeks and my strength has improved dramatically.

    Final advice is be aware of the muscle groups you are working and do them one at a time. Don't overdo any of them and you'll be strong in no time :)
  • lucyannp
    lucyannp Posts: 15
    I should say that I use a 6 kilo bell at the moment so you should be fine to start with your 25lb one. Don't forget though you can make free weights from anything... bags of sugar, cans of beans etc :)
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    Can I seriously strength train without any weights?
    No, without continual increase of mechanical load on your muscles you will not continue to gain size and strength, see next.

    Will it get to a point where my body weight wont be enough to keep gaining?
    Yes to strength and size they will not continue to grow, but endurance with keep gaining if you keep pushing.

    What type of program can I do 3X a week to get me moving in the right direction?
    Get the book Starting Strength, and look into stonglifts 5x5 its a website

    They are both a 3 day a week program with two workouts of compound lifts. they have you start low focus on form and in cress weight after each successful set
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    lucyannp- Your size has no relation to being able to compete in a triathlon. :) Thanks for info though, I will look into that. I really dont need extra cario since I will add more jogging/riding here in the near future. I do like that idea since there a park setup with workout stations around here.

    jppd47- seems the 5x5 is about barbell lifts, will bookmark that for future use, thanks.

    I figured for a few months I should start without weights since Clinton was in office the last time I lifted. Just need to figure out what to do, to build up to actually needing weights to improve.

    Thanks again for the advice.

  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Can I seriously strength train without any weights?
    No, without continual increase of mechanical load on your muscles you will not continue to gain size and strength, see next.

    Will it get to a point where my body weight wont be enough to keep gaining?
    Yes to strength and size they will not continue to grow, but endurance with keep gaining if you keep pushing.

    What type of program can I do 3X a week to get me moving in the right direction?
    Get the book Starting Strength, and look into stonglifts 5x5 its a website

    They are both a 3 day a week program with two workouts of compound lifts. they have you start low focus on form and in cress weight after each successful set

    This pretty much although you can push it a bit with a chain belt to hang weights from and weighted vest or just a backpack with some heavy stuff thrown in doing squats pushups pullups put two chair backs together and do dips etc. Scrape together a little money and get hefty enough adjustable dbs and make a makeshift bench by laying a cheap piece of wood on cinderblocks or something similar and do some db versions of compound lifts. DB bench press, db shoulder press, db SLDL, lunges, hammer grip with the dbs at your shoulders squatting, db rows, etc.

    Some people have modified this routine for dbs

  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    Use bands. They are low cost and adjustable (shorten the length to get more resistance. Starting with your body weight is fine but eventually move to something else. V
  • bigmalik
    bigmalik Posts: 1
    go to youtube and check out the fatingtwins you mite like it