Anyone have/ had a wrist ganglion?

I have just developed one. It's on the back of my wrist and it hurts a little to do push ups.

I'm thinking about going to the doctor sometime next week - I think I might ask him to drain it but I'd really prefer to leave it and hope it goes away.

If you've had one - what did you do?

I hope someone out there has had one...


  • busey
    busey Posts: 39 Member
    My daughter had one and her doctor said she should drain it. She did and it never came back. He said that in olden days to rid yourself of ganglions they would smack it with a book to burst it. Draining sounds pretty good ..huh?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    My daughter had one and her doctor said she should drain it. She did and it never came back. He said that in olden days to rid yourself of ganglions they would smack it with a book to burst it. Draining sounds pretty good ..huh?

    I had one when I was 12 and the doctor used the book method. It went away...
  • Sassybecky
    Sassybecky Posts: 72
    OMG, that's so funny! My sister had one of these when we were little (probably 25 years ago) and her doctor prescribed "hit it with a book!" It did work.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    yes I had one a few years ago. I had it surgically removed.
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    Well, hitting it with a book would save me a trip to the doctors... Not sure if I have the guts though.
  • Chelseycm
    Chelseycm Posts: 4 Member
    I had one a few years ago on the back of the hand right above the wrist. Doctor said to just wait it out with surgery being the next option to drain it if it didn't go away. It went away on its own in a few months. No book necessary
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    It will ago away on its own, but if its causing you pain maybe you should see a doc about it.
  • BubbleGumKisses
    BubbleGumKisses Posts: 156 Member
    I had one removed several years back, I know the pain you're feeling!
    I say go to the doctor and have it taken care of! (or smack it with a book)
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Yep - I had one about 15 years ago and had it surgically removed - dr said it could cause issues if it constricted the tendons.....
    Suggest you talk to your doctor about risks and options
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I used to have one on the inside of my wrist. It went away by itself.

    Talk to a Doctor and see what they suggest though. My Doc had said to wait it out, that most of the time they will go themselves.
  • pmcco
    pmcco Posts: 56 Member
    I had one surgically removed 10 years ago because it was around my nerves... it was in my hand by my wrist. I had to be cast for a month and my hand is not as strong as my other hand which I only notice if I do pushups. Also... they say you should not hit it with a book because they dont want the gunk to go to the surrounding tissues. It used to be called bible bumps cause if you got the bump you would thump it with the biggest book in the house which used to be the family bible. if it dont hurt I woudl leave it alone.
  • blleadon
    blleadon Posts: 187 Member
    I HAVE ONE!!! I, too, was weary about doing push ups and such but for right now I use my towel rolled up under my Palm so that it is not as bent as my other one. Works for me. I have been meaning to make a doctor's appt.
  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    They are know as bible bumps in my neck of the woods. Back in the old days the only book a lot of families had in there house was a bible and they would smack it and burst the cyst. I had one about 2 years ago and accidently smacked my wrist on the door going into the doctor to have it drained. lol
  • DangerMouse7
    DangerMouse7 Posts: 57 Member
    I have had two one on the wrist a few years back. Nice hardcover book fixes this if it's a visible bump.
    The other was in my left foot between two Metatarsal bones. I left it to vanish on its own, foot tendons are subjected to high stresses during walking etc and I didn't want to cause any secondary issues!!
    Surgery is an expensive option but can be done in a doctors surgery and is relatively straightforward.
    Best of luck!!
  • ashleen7
    ashleen7 Posts: 258 Member
    I had one about 8 years ago and my doc tried to smack it with a big medical journal when that didn't work he drained it, but it's actually come back this last two weeks so I'll be going to see him again. Think I'll tell him to keep the book to himself though!
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    My wife used to get one that would cause her pain in the exact same place as you are describing. Like people are saying you can bust them and they will eventually go away. She actually used to smash it in the shower. She would bend her wrist in to expose it and then smash it on the side of the shower pretty hard. It came back a couple of times but eventually went away. She went to the doctor as well who drained it but that didn't do anything.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    One on the back of each wrist and a third on the front/forearm. I hear the book thing often works but then the ganglion comes back as it doesn't solve the weak valve thing that causes the fluid to seep out. I think surgery can work, but to be honest most (including mine - except the one on the front/palm side of the arm) have gone and are no longer painful.

    I recommend just leaving it for the time being - even though it was causing me movement restrictions my doc would do nothing and in retrospect that was the right thing.
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    Yeah girlinahat - my doctor won't remove it - nor drain it - nor hit it. lol.

    He recommended leaving it and if I really wanted something done he wanted to refer me to an orthapedic surgeon - he said I'd have a general anesthetic.

    But that's all too much for me.

    So although I'm not happy, I'm leaving it alone for now.
  • sisterofseven
    sisterofseven Posts: 82 Member
    I had mine surgically removed about 15 years ago and I have a lovely scar! It was quite painful before the op but I have not had any problems with it since.
  • tas3980
    tas3980 Posts: 93 Member
    I had one about ten years ago; I had it drained at the doctors. They just rubbed a local on the area and drew it out with a needle, didn't hurt.