Biggest Loser Debate

csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
Found this interesting. Not sure if anyone read this on Calorie Count, but I thought I'd post it here for you all to read. I know that a few of you debate about TBL already: Below is the link if you want to visit the site yourself.

TBL Debate

Every Tuesday night 8 to 10 million Americans watch The Biggest Loser on NBC. The show is so popular that it is now a “lifestyle brand” selling books, DVDs, video games, home-delivered meals, and supplements. Yet, many health and fitness professionals don't like The Biggest Loser. What's behind their discontent and disconnect?

TBL (Condensed)

On The Biggest Loser (TBL), extremely obese contestants compete to lose weight for a $250,000 prize. Contestants who don't lose weight are eliminated. It’s basic reality TV - ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances - with tension, bickering, backstabbing, breakdowns, jaw dropping revelations, and genuine tears - all set to really bad music.

The Appall

The health professionals’ gripe (which I share) boils down to this: TBL is unrealistic and dangerous. The weekly weight loss goals are so excessive that (it is rumored) contestants dehydrate and starve themselves for the weigh ins. The extreme workouts are way too much too soon for very out-of-shape people - and the contestants do get injured in view and behind the scenes.

And then there’s issue of torture by the trainers, which is why I can't watch. I just don't invite harsh words into my happy home. (I'm odd like that.) But TV loves a dominatrix in a sports bra, and contestants say the abuse is for their own good.

And, finally, why is there not more emphasis on healthy eating? Especially since research shows that overeating contributes more than inactivity to obesity. I see the players going on about out-of-control “cheat days” and salivating over processed food locked behind closed doors. Shouldn't those disordered thoughts and behaviors be addressed? And where's that high-protein, low-calorie diet the contestants supposedly follow? It's too conspicuously absent for this dietitian.

The Appeal

Let's face it: Viewers love the "intimacy" of reality TV and fans want a chance to cheer and boo. Followers say TBL sends a positive message that weight loss is possible through hard work.

But BJ Gallagher author of “Why Don’t I Do the Things I Know are Good for Me? offered another explanation for the appeal to the Metro New York newspaper. She said that viewers watch TBL because they:

* feel good when they compare themselves to the contestants
* secretly delight in seeing others fail
* can express their contempt for overweight people in a socially acceptable way

After their stint at TBL, some contestants maintain their lost weight but others do not - just like in real life. A special, 'Biggest Loser: Where Are They Now', will air on November 25, 2009 - on Thanksgiving eve!


  • ngallant88
    I love the show! I love Jillian Michaels! Its not abuse she is just being real. Truth is not abuse. Not everyone needs to be coddled. If they were honest with themselves or had someone being honest with them from the start they wouldn't have become so obese. When someone is so wiped out from their workout their gaurd is down and the trainers are able to get into there head and help them push themselves past their comfort level. Any athlete or former athlete knows how that feels and relizing that you can do anything if you just keep pushing past your comfort level.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    There are two sides to this debate and I agree with some on each side... For me...I like it. I find it motivating (like reading the success stories here). I do JM's workout video's and love that she doesn't coddle. HOWEVER, it's TV and edited for ratings. I will not ever believe that I could lose 10lbs a week. It's a TV SHOW, entertainment....I'm not niave enough to think that I could work a job, be a mom & lose 10lbs a week. These people live in a controlled environment and I think most people know that. I choose to give Americans more credit than sometimes they deserve but I do think most people get that it's a TV SHOW
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I can agree with what the critics have to say, but I still watch anyway. I am smart enough to realize that this is not a normal, healthy way to lose weight. These people are seeing doctors a lot more often than the general public. They are being closely monitored through out the course of the show. I don't attempted to eat how they do or burn nearly the amount of calories. I just find it inspiring and motivational to watch. These people want to change their lives and most of them have much more to lose than I do. I watch it because I figure that if they can work their tails off to lose that much weight in a week, I can work mine off hard enough to lose the 1-2 lbs I'm trying for.

    I can see where some poeple who do not educate themselves about losing weight in a healthy way could be confused by the show. I sometimes wish that they showed a disclaimer (maybe they do and I miss it while skipping the commercials). I can only hope that there aren't a bunch of teenage girls out there with 20 lbs to lose who are only eating 1,200 calories and burning 6,000 everyday.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    But BJ Gallagher author of “Why Don’t I Do the Things I Know are Good for Me? offered another explanation for the appeal to the Metro New York newspaper. She said that viewers watch TBL because they:

    * feel good when they compare themselves to the contestants
    * secretly delight in seeing others fail
    * can express their contempt for overweight people in a socially acceptable way

    I don't think that's true at least not in my case, or anyone else I know that watches it. I don't delight in seeing others fail...I hope Tracey gains 10 lbs because she's a b***h, it's got nothing to do with her weight. :laugh:

    And as far as the abuse part, that works for some people.

    I do, however, wish they'd show more about how they changed eating habits and prepare healthy meals and will maintain a realistic lifestyle after the show's over.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The show is very depressing in a lot of ways. I don't like seeing fellow overweight individuals being tortured and abused (which they are), and being made to feel worthless for losing 6 pounds instead of 12. I don't think a person's health should ever become a game or a competition.

    That being said, the show still holds a little bit of entertainment value on some level. The contestants do choose to submit themselves to the torture.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I hope Tracey gains 10 lbs because she's a b***h, it's got nothing to do with her weight. :laugh:

    Me too!!! :laugh: I couldn't believe she won that challenge this week and I can't believe they sent home Coach Moe instead of her. I think she'll be that team's downfall.