You might be surprised, I know I was

I found a cheap pedometer that my daughter had laying in her room and decided to wear it to work today. This is a second job for me that I do a couple of days a week which basically consists of "line work". While doing this job I pretty much stand in a certain area and monitor a machine, moving a few steps in each direction every few seconds. Not real challenging mentally or physically. So at the end of my 9 hour shift today I look down at this pedometer and it says that I have taken over 15,000 steps which roughly translates into almost SEVEN miles of walking. WHEW! No wonder I am tired at the end of the day! Nice to know that this little second job of mine not only pays off financially but also physically!

Moral of the story is, every step is a step in the right direction. Keep on keepin' on my MFP friends!


  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    Isn't it fantastic to get that verification that you are more active than you thought?

    I was also really shocked when I borrowed a friend's pedometer a couple years ago and discovered that my average steps over the course of a week was nearly 18000 daily -- and I spent 6-10 hours a day in front of a computer doing office work at the time! I never realized that all the walking I was doing made a difference, but it clearly did.
  • jwalker831
    jwalker831 Posts: 24 Member
    That is seriously amazing! How cool is it that you're getting such a workout, though!
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I need to try using a pedometer - I'm a bartender so I'm darting around on my feet for 7-10 hours a day.