Terrible to eat after 7pm?



  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I think it's okay to eat a snack a couple hours before sleeping (otherwise you're hungry) but def limit it and make it small. I personally try to not eat carbs after 3 pm and if i eat anything after 7pm its usually fruit or nuts or milk.

    Why though? I mean, if that suits you, then obviously keep doing that, but it's a matter of personal preference. I eat over half my calories after 7pm - my evening meal plus snacks just before bed. Carbs and all.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    the whole "cut off time" can be a good thing for some people that have trouble binge eating/late night snacking, but honestly their is no other benefit in stopping eating late at night.

    personally i try to avoid eating and consuming alcohol an hour or two before bed, just because i have trouble sleeping if i do.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Okay here's the concept.. Most people who eat around 5/6pm have time to move around and burn calories per say. People who eat around 7/8/9 ish usually end up sleeping an hour or two later which is where it gets tricky.. If you don't move after you eat earlier in the day, it's the same as eating at night.

    Agreed - it's more to do with what your body is doing with the food once you've eaten it. If you've eaten loads and are going to be less sedentary (night shift, exercise, etc.), then it'll burn off. Hubby and I have started a brisk (partly uphill) walk around 3 miles every other night around 9pm, so on these days I tend to be fine having my dinner later. Other days if I did have to eat something late, it would be something light and a load of water to keep me going.

    Keep it up, looks like you're doing great!

    what? no. it can take six to eight hours for food to pass through your stomach and into your small intestine, so any activity done with a full stomach won't burn off what you've just eaten.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am normally still in the gym at 7 pm, so I don't eat until 8 or 9 pm. I think that the 7 pm eating thing is just another of those diet myths.
  • Manrahan
    Manrahan Posts: 40
    Life's pretty simple if you just learn the rules.

    "Keep yourself out of the light. You hate bright light, especially sunlight. It'll kill you. And keep yourself away from water. Don't get yourself wet. But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget ... no matter how much you cry, or how much you beg ... never, never feed yourself after 7 pm."

    Stick to that and you'll be a happy little mogwai.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Meal timings are a myth. What matters is the amount of calories taken in in a day.

    The only reason I'd advocate not eating after 7 is if for some reason you find yourself unable to control your appetite in the evenings. If not there's no reason you shouldn't eat whenever you want.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I've heard it's best to not eat after around 7pm & it helps you to lose weight...

    Others say it's beneficial not cause of any weight loss, but cause it gives you a cutoff time to take in your daily calories and not eat carbs too close to bedtime.

    I try not to eat too late (latest around 8:30) but sometimes find myself unable to sleep at night and with a hungry tummy that I try to ignore.


    My body clearly doesn't know the rules. I eat 50% of my daily calories after 7pm and am slowly stripping fat. I also tend to skip breakfast, have a late breakfast or have a light breakfast.
  • natasa2604
    natasa2604 Posts: 11 Member
    You should eat watermellon - it has only 30kcal in 100gr, it's healthy for you and your kidneys :) that's what I do after 10pm because I don't think I can lose some weight by eating late and not being able to lose those calories by working out....:) I usually have dinner at 8.30pm
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    You may see some SHORT TERM effects on the scales by eating close to bed-time but in the long run it all comes out in the wash. As for a "cut off time"... I log meals based upon sleep cycles (usually - unless I have an unusually messed up schedule that causes my sleep patterns to be a bit off). Others use Midnight... Others do different things. In the end, it is the AVERAGE of what we do rather than each and every day so it really does not matter. The theory behind the don't eat after 7 is the thought that your body does not have time to burn of the extra calories... The problem is that even if it stores the extra calories as fat, when you get up and start moving again, if you have not taken in any calories your body will pull its energy from your fat stores... Hence any "gain" would be temporary.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    You should eat watermellon - it has only 30kcal in 100gr, it's healthy for you and your kidneys :) that's what I do after 10pm because I don't think I can lose some weight by eating late and not being able to lose those calories by working out....:) I usually have dinner at 8.30pm

    Really? Did you read the rest of the thread.... ?
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    I've heard it's best to not eat after around 7pm & it helps you to lose weight...

    Others say it's beneficial not cause of any weight loss, but cause it gives you a cutoff time to take in your daily calories and not eat carbs too close to bedtime.

    I try not to eat too late (latest around 8:30) but sometimes find myself unable to sleep at night and with a hungry tummy that I try to ignore.


    I'm with the majority. I usually have to stay up late for work till morning because of time zone differences with contacts. Eating around 8 pm and working until 5 am without further food is very inefficient for me.

    I think only early to rise, early to bed people can use that.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    You should eat watermellon - it has only 30kcal in 100gr, it's healthy for you and your kidneys :) that's what I do after 10pm because I don't think I can lose some weight by eating late and not being able to lose those calories by working out....:) I usually have dinner at 8.30pm

    what happens if you dont have any watermelon?
  • BeckyLH
    BeckyLH Posts: 117 Member
    I try not to eat after 8pm.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I try not to eat after 8pm.

    thats fine if you feel better or sleep better or don't like doing dishes without sunlight but it has absolutely no affect on weight loss or metabolism. If you have completed your desired macros by 8 pm, fine. But dont avoid eating after any certain time thinking it will affect your weight loss.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    i always have supper or i dont get off to sleep very well.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    thats fine if you feel better or sleep better or don't like doing dishes without sunlight but it has absolutely no affect on weight loss or metabolism. If you have completed your desired macros by 8 pm, fine. But dont avoid eating after any certain time thinking it will affect your weight loss.

    Eating in the evening and trying to stay away from food is one of the reasons of late night craving as well. Especially with simple carb heavy dinners, someone eating at 8 and going to bed at 1 am is more likely to start looking for carbs by then.
  • BeckyLH
    BeckyLH Posts: 117 Member
    I try not to eat after 8pm.

    thats fine if you feel better or sleep better or don't like doing dishes without sunlight but it has absolutely no affect on weight loss or metabolism. If you have completed your desired macros by 8 pm, fine. But dont avoid eating after any certain time thinking it will affect your weight loss.

    I hate going to sleep on a full stomach, it makes me feel bloated and generally sluggish, I don't think it has anything to do with weightloss but I do see better results this way. We generally have dinner around 6.30pm and that's me done for the day.