Will I ever lose weight? Feeling like a failure...



  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    the big picture is daunting. Try losing 1 pound. Make that your goal. You don't have to lose 50, 30, 20 or even 5 pounds, you just have to lose that one. When you do lose it, good for you. Now you have a new goal. You have to lose 1 pound. That's it. Again, not 50, 30, 20 or 5 just one pound.

    Be realistic. Some weeks no matter how awesome you do, you won't lose. There are theories, rhymes and reasons as to why, even when the simple maths don't work out, but it just happens that some weeks you just won't lose. It doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong, per say. It just means that pound didn't come off that week so you have to work another week at it.

    Look at it this way. You're going to eat no matter if you eat mindfully or you eat thoughtlessly. You have to eat to live. However you attack each and every day is up to you. It's a choice you and some days are harder than others. Set youself up to eat mindfully and you'll have more "good" days than bad.

    You're not a failure. You just haven't found the combination that works for YOU. Until you find that combination just keep plugging along and trying different things.
  • rosetpee75
    really motivating..........this will keep me going,thank you.
  • kdward83
    kdward83 Posts: 32
    I kept getting frustrated and giving up on my weight loss goals until a friend of mine shared a story with me with the point being basically-In a year or two from now, you're gonna look back and wish you already did it. The time's gonna pass anyways, you might as well have something to show for it. If you change nothing, nothing will change. I remember this when I get frustrated because of lack of immediate results or want to "loosen" up on my diet some. I keep going no matter what because in a year from now I'm going to be soooo glad I did!

    I also agree with everyone else about mini goals.Something to distract from your ultimate goal that seems so huge. Some of mine have been drinking a glass of water before every meal for 2 weeks, or eating fruits and veggies with every meal. Anything you want that helps you go in the right direction!!! Good luck to you!!!
  • 4Elyse2012
    4Elyse2012 Posts: 39 Member
    I've been trying to take it one day at a time. I was doing well for a week or so, then got tired from too many overnight shifts at work and regressed to eating fast food. Boy did I feel horrible after! I literally didn't feel like I could get up. It's definitely not worth the 10 min of "bliss" while eating to feel like crap the rest of the day!

    Sometimes looking too far into the future is very daunting, like everyone else has said. Mini-goals are definitely a great way to go!

    You can do this and you WILL look back one day (not too far off) and thank yourself for being strong and dedicated to becoming the healthiest you that you can be! MFP is such an awesome resource, use every bit of it!