To log or not to log???

Ok so today is my 155th day of logging so just over 5 months on my journey and have lost 20lbs, I'm 5lbs from my goal weight and I need to tone up - a lot!
So since starting in February I have been on one short holiday to Singapore where I logged as best I could for that week and walked around shopping for about 5 hours a day! I still lost my normal 1lb that week but found it hard figuring out what I had eaten. Anyway I enter every mouthful into MFP and be as accurate as I possibly can-slightly obsessed I have to admit with ensuring everything is accounted for. I'm proud that I have done this, no cheating or lying to myself which has got me to where I am today.
Now me and hubby are due to have a 6 night belated honeymoon on the island of lombok in less than 3 weeks, we have breakfast made to order and a 5 course meal every night included in our package. I've pretty much given up drinking but will have some cocktails I'm sure during the trip. I've asked the hotel if they are able to prepare low calorie meals for me which they are happy to do. Also they have mountain bikes available so I plan to get out and do some exercise as well as swimming. I'm thinking that if I have a big breakfast I won't really need lunch - if I eat late enough. The hotel is very secluded and the plan is to relax and soak up the sun for those 6 nights and enjoy our time together.
My question is do I attempt to log everything during my trip or do I give myself a week off making good choices where possible? I know it'll be a splurge week but I don't want to get worked up trying to figure it all out and freaking when/if I'm over my calorie goal!
Just after some honest feedback-should I be fully accountable or just relax for that time?


  • tas3980
    tas3980 Posts: 93 Member
    It's up to you at the end of the day.. myself, I am pretty obsessed with logging as well... but there comes a time where we all can't be perfect and accountable... just make good choices, and enjoy your awaited honeymoon! :bigsmile:
  • Taryn1627
    Taryn1627 Posts: 118 Member
    I went on a 10 day cruise in January...went to the gym once, on the first day. But after that if went wanted to go anywhere, we took the stairs instead of the elevator and I didn't log a single day. You're there to have fun. Don't worry about that while you're on your honeymoon! Just enjoy each other!

    By the way, I actually lost weight on the cruise eating 4 course meals every night for dinner! :-)
  • I went on holiday back in April to Myrtle Beach, SC. I didn't log...or at least I started but got too frustrated with going quit about 2 days in. I felt horrible about it. I guess I am too obsessed with logging absolutely everything. I thought, I'm on vacation, I'm gonna cheat. I guess I was just justifying it to myself. With that said, even though I did not gain at all, I wish I would've continued logging for that week.

    Being that this will be a honeymoon in a secluded spot, I'd say enjoy the heck out of it and don't Iog...just make smart choices when eating and watch those portions! :-) if you can keep control without logging then take a break. :-)

    I don't think a week of cheating will hurt you much anyways...just pick up where you left off when you come home.

    Have a wonderful honeymoon!
  • fay_pigu
    fay_pigu Posts: 125 Member
    You could take a pad and write your food and exercise down - then log when you get back from your 6 days if you want - this will give you an idea about what you're eating.

    You could also take photos of your food for later analysis.

    Think you and your husband enjoying your time should be a priority (if that means logging, then log).
  • Its_Nat
    Its_Nat Posts: 184 Member
    OMG it's your honeymoon, forget about logging, forget about MFP, forget about everything!. Make good choices where you can, when you can't.. don't stress over it. Just enjoy yourself. You've made an awesome loss so far, relax for a week, life and weight loss will still be here when you come back!

    Enjoy xx
  • FatAssBecky
    FatAssBecky Posts: 58 Member
    You could just play it by ear. If you want to log, log but don't beat yourself up over not doing it. My guess is that since you are so dedicated to logging, it will be second nature for you to do so - but again, if you have a day where your don't or the whole week - don't stress. You've done really awesome and 20 pounds is a great accomplishment. I'm also sure that you are more aware of what you are putting in your body so you'll probably gravitate to the healthier options for most meals. And even if you don't - it will be in the back of your mind.

    Enjoy your time away and congrats on your success!
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    You have one honeymoon in your life (hopefully) so you should relax and enjoy every moment! It's only a short period in your life and you will soon get back on track once you get back. Doesn't mean you have to go nuts, just forget the stress of tracking and trying to figure out what's in everything and don't let it spoil your time away. :o)
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I log everything...

    Not logging seems to defeat the purpose of logging..

  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    Don't log! Make good choices wherever possible and get right back on track as soon as you come home! Go and enjoy yourself it isn't a time for logging and obsessing especially if it takes you sooo much longer than usual because you can't figure out with any degree of accuracy what you are actually eating!

    Have a great trip!:drinker:
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    If you can log without fretting about being over. Log. Otherwise don't.

    Have a wonderful honeymoon! !!
  • violetta88
    violetta88 Posts: 117 Member
    I think it's entirely up to you. Personally I probably would log it, but certainly not obsessively - I'd just make the best guess I could to help me make good choices.

    I certainly wouldn't judge someone who gave themselves a week off though!! Just make sure if you don't log that you get right back on it the day you come home so you don't fall off the wagon.

    Have a fantastic time!
  • skinnynerd
    skinnynerd Posts: 110
    If it was a normal vacation, I would say log. But it's your honeymoon. Your attention needs to be on your husband. Don't log during this week. Just make healthy choices.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    I went on a 10 day cruise in January...went to the gym once, on the first day. But after that if went wanted to go anywhere, we took the stairs instead of the elevator and I didn't log a single day. You're there to have fun. Don't worry about that while you're on your honeymoon! Just enjoy each other!

    By the way, I actually lost weight on the cruise eating 4 course meals every night for dinner! :-)

    Same here- on every cruise we take all stairs- never an elevator and we make a rule to eat 3 pieces of fruit by lunch- it fills us up and makes us eat smaller breakfasts and lunches- then we had the 4 courses at dinner, never had guilt- even tried a few desserts- most never finished- and never gained. Husband and I both need to lose 20-25 lbs for years now- but we never did gain on our vacations- as we stay active.

    So the advice for the honeymoon- rent those bikes- stay out and enjoy some strolls, and rest assured 1 week wont ruin anything if you keep portions sane- even on the most decadent foods.
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    Wow thank you all for such great responses and suggestions, I think I'll do a combination of suggestions-anything that's easy to log-things I know for sure ill put in when I have 5 minutes, also kind of don't want to lose my logging streak! He he! Then I love the suggestion of taking photos of my meals, they are supposed to be very special so will be memories as well as a way to keep track when I get home. I'm stepping up the pace before I go to try and give myself some extra leeway so hopefully I'll be like those of you on the cruise and still lose a little but if I stay the same ill be over the moon! Again your responses are all amazing and I love the support shown on this site, you are all wonderful people and congrats to you on your success so far!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, there !

    By now you have a good idea of what foods work for you, and what doesn't ...... make smart choices at each meal, and also experiment with new foods ........ all that exercise should burn off the questionable stuff ......

    Your vacation sounds wonderful & I hope you have a great time :drinker: