Newbie needing advice!

Hi:-) I started off weighing around 9st3lbs which I wasn't happy with, so I came on here to do something about it. But after just over a week I'm fed up and craving anything but salad and water:-( I'd ideally like to lose around 7lbs before my holiday in September but don't see that happening. Doing an exercise dvd four times a week isn't really helping with the toning up either. All this lack of sugar and yummy stuff is making me so miserable!!!! Anyone else get this?!


  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    If you open up your diary settings, then people can take a look at your calories and what you are eating. That will help them help you. :smile:
  • heretoloseit95
    Hey there :))
    The best advice i can give you is to not give up :) , you've just started, give it some time !
    You're doing great with the exercise, try adding some weight training here and there, and if you're craving something, there are low calorie healthy alternatives, have greek yogurt, skinny cow ice-cream sandwiches, baked chips and you can always treat yourself after a good week with a little chocolate, just don't go crazy :), be patient and the weight will come off. Hang in there:)
  • Penelope2Plyr
    Penelope2Plyr Posts: 166 Member
    I think it woud help you if you would make an attitude adjustment. I don't mean that cruel at all, I am speaking from my own experience. I had to realize and recognize that if I always ate what I had been eating, I would NEVER lose any weight. I had to tell myself that eating good healhy foods, did taste good and was giving me the ability to lose. GL to you.
  • MuscleJunkieK8
    You can have small sweets in moderation if that is what you would enjoy. But keep in mind that moderation means small, infrequent treats every now and then.

    A gluten-free diet is good for cleaning out the system, in fact I live on gluten-free and sugar-free due to allergies. I think that if you added about 3-5 days a week of strength training and cardio you will see vast improvement in a months time.

    Things like walking, jogging, running, zumba, jumping jacks, jumping rope, gymnastics, hiking, dancing...they are all cardio.
    Things like pushups, weights, squats, planks, russian twists...that is strength training.

    Drink plenty of water...keep a bottle with you always. And eat a lot of fruit and veggies.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    Also, when you are losing a smaller amount like 7lbs. it doesn't come off fast. Make sure you are eating enough (good healthy) calories and getting enough protein. Eating enough protein will curb your hunger some. This general advice since I cannot see your diary.

    Also, you are young(no offense). If you just eat a bit healthier than you were before and stick to the dvd 4x's a week, you should see great results. Give it time. A week is nothing. Heck, you might not even see your weight go down. BUT, you will look toned and your clothes will fit better.

    Take a look at my profile pic. I weighed myself today and I am actually 5lbs. HEAVIER than my first pic on the left. But I am getting healthy and toned.

    Good luck!
  • micahnelson
    micahnelson Posts: 92 Member
    If not eating tasty things is making you miserable, then you are an emotional eater. You need to find another source of happiness. When I first started I bought myself a video game that I had been wanting, something that required constant interaction- so I wouldnt be able to snack and play. Then I went for a walk to my local coffee shop and got a green tea every night. I enjoy socializing, so that was helpful.

    After a while, when you start to see pounds going away, then it becomes MUCH easier to stay on a strict diet.
  • hunter624
    hunter624 Posts: 252
    Diet, diet, diet, check out my food diary, I eat what I want when I want it.

    But remeber for every good treat there has to be a balance.

    Yes I've been on here since Feb 2012, and yes I've only lost 9lbs,

    but I'm not stressed out by any of it.

    1. Factual logging of food and exercise.
    2. Also remember not everyone on this site is an expert.
    3. But everyone is available to give you support and advice.

    Good luck with your journey.

  • icestar0586
    I've only been doing the MFP for about 3 weeks right now and have had some ups and downs with the weight fluctuating. Water weight bounces somewhere between 2-3 within a day so dont let that get you down. I agree with most people on here about increasing the amount of water . If your craving sweets i would try adding in some fruits of some sort to try to help curb that longing. I've added in pinnapples and green grapes. Salads are easy because they are few in calories but if you find other veggies/fruits you like they tend to be lower in calories and you can get away with eating more vs. " the yummy foods " :happy:
  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    Thanks so much guys! I do really need a distraction, the Olympics is really motivating me to want to start doing a sport haha! But whether that happens I don't know. I struggle a lot because I have to go by what my mum buys every month, which is so difficult because she doesn't eat veg and very little fruit. But I'm gonna power on through and keep going, 50 days till my holiday so still got time!!!