Anyone have any experience with detoxing?

akgrant Posts: 293 Member
I'm thinking about a juice fast not only for a jumpstart with weight lost but to remove some toxins in the body. Anyone have any words of wisdom or just want to share their experience? Thanks!


  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I don't know that any type of fasting would be good...when we fast our metabolism crashes. We NEED to eat calories to lose calories. If you don't take in enough calories for your body to function then it starts burning muscle. Muscle is easier to burn than fat, which is why it burns muscle first.
  • christashay
    christashay Posts: 54 Member
    I regularly do a 2-3 day water fast. It s a great way to rest your liver and allow it to catch up on its work load. It also resets your appetite and can decrease your taste for carbs and sweets. If you dont think water fasting is your thing- juice, fruit or any mono- food fast will do. Good Luck!
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    I don't know that any type of fasting would be good...when we fast our metabolism crashes. We NEED to eat calories to lose calories. If you don't take in enough calories for your body to function then it starts burning muscle. Muscle is easier to burn than fat, which is why it burns muscle first.

  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    I work for a lady who does all that kind of stuff professionally. Do not fast! Drink a lot of water. The detox will pull out the heavy metals in your body causing some necessary minerals to escape as well. You need to replenish your body with those minerals. It is a great process. When I did it I was able to see the yeast come out and mucus and joint acid. It is amazing the way it works. Your body can use detoxing for a great cleanser. I did one when I started losing weight I think it was a nice way for me to start fresh. Some people do it when they are feeling sick, or after a menstrual cycle. Whatever works for you is good. You do not have to overeat for the day just do it like normal and drink more water than normal. Some people feel tired after wards and that is normal get some rest and keep up with the water. I hope I helped! Any more questions feel free to ask me. I have insider knowledge.
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input!
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    I've also heard that drinking a LOT of water can be a good detoxifier :drinker:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The best way to detox is to eat clean, healthy, nourishing food. Avoid processed foods, added sugar, artificial sweetners. Drink water and green tea.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    So when you guys refer to a water-detox? How much water are you talking about? I already try to drink the recommended 8 glasses, etc. How much is considered a lot for detoxing purposes?
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    I don't know that any type of fasting would be good...when we fast our metabolism crashes. We NEED to eat calories to lose calories. If you don't take in enough calories for your body to function then it starts burning muscle. Muscle is easier to burn than fat, which is why it burns muscle first.

    Hi All,
    I also thought fasting was a no no if you're trying to lose weight ~ which is correct ??
  • maka1002
    I have done 2 different detox. One, is all fruit and vegetables for 6 days with tons of water. That was pretty good. I had good energy and I lost 5 pounds. I like it cause you can eat unlimited fruits and vegetable except banana, watermelon, and winter squash. The second is 1/10th teaspoon cayanne pepper, 1 1/2 tblsp of grade b organic syrup, and 1 1/2 tblsp lemon juice mixed with 8 ounce of water every 2-3 hours. If you get hungry you can have berries or cucmbers. Again tons of water. I did this for 4 days. VERY HARD!!! But I did lose 9 pounds and kept it off for 2 months and counting. But I stick to a 1200 calories. But both you feel really good and reenergized and my skin looked so good.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I've read a lot of information about detoxing with juice and water diets. They all say that they are doing good for your body by ridding it of toxins. While this may be true, your body in the mean time is getting the rest of it's calories that it NEEDS just to function from stored places in your body. It WILL take muscle before fat because muscle is easier to burn. So while you might lose weight, it more than likely will not be fat and you will be losing muscle. There are good ways and bad ways to lose weight. I don't know about anyone else but I for one do not want to lose muscle. You can detox your body in healthy ways. Sure, they are slower but they are safer. You can drink plenty of water, stop eating processed foods, eat foods in their most natural state, etc. Also, losing weight with the detox, once you start eating again it seems as though you're going to put some of that back on. I just personally don't think it's the way to go to lose weight or 'jumpstart' your weight loss.