Alli.. stuck in weight loss

I have been struggling with my weight. I got down to 161 and then I had surgery and I am back at 171. I was put on steroids which I know can make you gain weight but nothing is helping. I am eating 1300 calories a day, exercising about 3-4 times a week (as much as I can right now) and my weight just keeps going up and down. I even tried taking OxyElite Pro and that's not even helping. I am getting so frustrated. So I am debating starting Alli. I have read both great and not so great reviews and the thing that scares me the most is in both reviews there are some awful "treatment results." And not to be graphic but I hardly go as it is. I'm lucky if I go twice a week so I was thinking maybe I won't have that problem. But I wanted some advice on here from anyone who has tried it and loved or didn't love it. Thanks!


  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I don't think it matters how much you go. It is a side effect of the fat that is blocked coming out on it's own. It's not BM - but oily discharge. Hard as you might try? It's not staying in if you eat anything with more than a little fat. I tried it once, but it doesn't work that well. You lose water weight for about 3 weeks, and then you might as well just watch and log your food. That's all it does anyway unless you eat too much and then - well, no need to go into that again! Good luck. Sounds like your medication is making you gain and that's tough!
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I don't think chronic constipation makes a difference with this. It's the oils/fats that aren't absorbed that leak out. And they can get around constipation. I have not taken it, but a couple of my co-workers did. They both carried extra clothes with them to work. And both had to use them at least once that I know of. One lasted about one month, but the side effects were just too awful. Give your body some time to recover from surgery and steroids. The steroid effect can hang around for several weeks. Make sure you're eating a balanced diet and getting enough calories. The weight will come off.
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    I understand about the steroid yo-yo. I have had to take prednisone for crohn's disease, and it made me gain about 50 pounds over a 3 year period. I'm now in remission, feeling the best I have in years (after 5 surgeries over 5 years), and I'm now trying to lose the weight I gained in that period.

    What steroid did you take? How long? I really hope you're well now, and please, feel free to add me as a friend. I understand about health issues and weight gain.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    What you may not know about Alli: Not only does it absorb "bad" fat, it absorbs "good" fat too. You NEED fat to help lose fat. Change your activity level not your choice of pills to take.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    What is your diary like? It may be that your nutritional needs are not being met, thus lowering your body's natural calorie expenditure, which would then offset the exercise and lower calories.

    Are you getting enough protein? (This is a factual number range, not an opinion)
  • mallinds
    mallinds Posts: 26 Member
    DON'T DO ALLI - My fam and I 'tried it out' when it first came out way back when. If i remember the rules were to eat less than 10 grams of fat per meal (we at a lean cusine that had like 7 grams of fat).

    Basically.... this gross orange oil stuff comes out of your rear end... its so hard to get out of the toilet or tub. it is so gross


    If you need help going try taking some metamucil twice daily - its been helping for me. When you do metamucil you should drink tons of water.
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    It takes a while to lose the water your body retains from the steroids, I was on strong ones for about 3 weeks and it took me 4 weeks to lose the weight I gained and not feel incredibly bloated again. I say give your body time, make sure you're hitting your macros each day, and make sure you're netting 1300, not eating that much and exercising it off. If you still notice your weight going up, talk to your doctor, there could be something else going on.
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    Depending on intensity and duration of workout, you may not be eating enough. Try upping your calories each day by 100 and see how it goes from there. I didn't check your food diary, but what kinds of foods are you eating? That my be another avenue to investiage.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    try Activia yogurt
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Alli block fat. Fat does not make you fat. You need fat. Fats and proteins provide amino acids that you must have to survive.

    Try changing your ratios. Set protein higher (at least 80 grams per day), set fat the same and then carbs what is left. For your carbs eat veggies and a serving or two of fruit. Cut out grains for a week or so and see what that does. Seriously, I have done this for 9 months and lost a nice bit of weight doing it.

    Also, are you resistance training? Cardio is not the best option for weight loss. Sure it burns calories but doesn't build muscle and more muscle increases your BMR so you burn faster.
  • preslyann50
    preslyann50 Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks everyone. My exercise is limited because I had surgery on my back and so I can't lift to much and certain moves I can't do and high impact is a no, no. I lost 30 lbs last year and I was doing kick boxing, I tried insanity but fractured my foot, couch25K program and weight lifting, also my favorite Zumba. But now I can only do a modified version of Zumba.
    The past 2 weeks I have been doing a lot of stress eating. I am a very emotional eater, but when I was in bed for two weeks I made sure to eat lots of protein and stayed away from high calorie foods. The funny thing is the last two weeks I've been eating not so great and haven't gained more than a pound.
    I have been on 4 different steroids since may. And even had a steroid injection before the surgery. I tried the OxyElite because I knew I couldn't exercise so much so I wanted something that could help me burn when I wasn't doing much.

    I talked to my doctor about the constipation and they never do anything besides give me softeners which don't work. I just get really uncomfortable cramping. I"m just so over this whole yo yo weight loss.

    Thanks for the stories about Alli, it seems to be a common factor of the orange yuck. I'd rather just take my time losing weight than have accidents. I have a two year old I need to change a lot, I don't' want to add myself to that equation!
  • preslyann50
    preslyann50 Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks I will try this. I can only do so many weight exercises because of my back. Which sucks because whenI lost my initial 30lbs I was doing a lot of resistance training. But my back isn't strong enough for that now :/
  • darnnells
    darnnells Posts: 37
    I currently use Alli and have no issues with oily discharge. I maintain a healthy diet which means well rounded foods. If you only eat greasy fods you will have oily discharge. Pizza, steak and cheese, etc. But, if you eat healthy, Alli will assist you by blocking 25% of the fat from your fattier foods,which are not always greasy. Desserts are fattening and some people love sweets and carbs. It really helps in those situations and when you want pizza and fried chicken. Just don't eat like that all the time and you shouldn't hae any embarrassing issues.
  • Leimaro
    Leimaro Posts: 148 Member
    Alli eliminates excess consumed fat that you have just eaten. If you go over the recommended fat intake it will come out in bowel movements. If you eat less than recommended, you wont see much of a fat loss in BMs. with alli it is recommended to eat a low fat diet (helps with weight loss) so that there is less fat loss in BMs (bad side effects). nutritious vitimans are loss as well so vitamin supplements are highly recommended. If steroids is creating the problem, talk to a nutritionists for better balanced meals to counteract the effects. I don't think alli will do that, but I'm no Dr. expert either. For exercise, take up swimming and/or water aerobics. You can get toned, it's aerobic, lose weight and less stress on the body. My friends with back, hip and arthritis problems do it for a good workout. Good luck to you!
  • josyjozy
    josyjozy Posts: 117 Member
    For the constipation:

    What is your water and fiber intake like? Also have you tried adding Miralax daily? The chronic constipation is not good for your health, and getting that set right may help with your weight loss efforts.