Reigniting Love for Running

sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
Here's the story! Well, as short as I can make it... :)

I started running a little over a year ago, and since then I've run a few 5K races (best time of 25:27), and ran my first half marathon in January (2:10:05). I've been continuing to run because not only have I signed up for more races, but I fell in love with it. Fast forward to March, and I get hit by a car. The impact was on my knees, primarily my left, and I had to see an orthopedist, go through physical therapy, and was out of running about a month. Throughout that time, I was still able to do other forms of exercise, but no running whatsoever.

My knees started getting better, and I slowly got back into running. Right before the accident, I reached my best pace for my mile, so I started working to get back to it. Fast forward to June, and I start having issues with my left knee. Random popping, sudden sharp pains when running, and issues with my knee cap moving around. Once again, I got my endurance back for running, was back at my best pace, and then was taken out of running, had to go to more doctor appointments, and do more physical therapy. It's been a little over a month since then, and I've only run a couple of times. I've lost a lot of my training, and I never know how a run will go with my knee.

I normally use a treadmill since the area around my apartment has no safe place for runners, is very hilly, and also has a lot of traffic. On top of that, the summer heat is brutal, and I normally do my workouts early in the morning before class. My apartment gym is 24 hours, so I normally use that. I used to LOVE running, and now I'm struggling to even do 10 minutes, or on days I plan to run, I switch to doing something else instead. Before the accident, I would run multiple days a week, and cross train on the others.

I have a few 5K races between now and January, as well as two half marathons. I want to get back into running, but I've been so discouraged because of my knee issues, and I've had some mental issues holding me back as well, such as seeing a therapist for EDNOS.

Do you have any tips? I really, really, want to find my love for running again, and I have no idea what to do! Thank you! :)


  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member

    wish I knew :\
  • C25K! I used to run a lot when I was younger, had knee issues, and stopped for years. Now I'm Week 8 of the program, and running 25+ minutes three times a week - in two more weeks I'll be at 30. (: This program helped me so much - I was struggling to run 5 minutes!
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I'm a big advocate of C25K as well. I finished the program 3 weeks ago and did my first 5k on July 4th (38:31). I am currently looking to increase my distance (want to prep for a 10K) so not really looking at speed. I do not have knee injuries however when I started running regularly I did have some pain around the knee cap area. I took a week off and my sister who is an OTA gave me a deep massage.

    See if reducing your speed helps. Run at 11/12 minutes a mile, it might be easier on your knee. Someone told me today " I do not sign up for marathons to "compete", I sign up to "complete" them.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    This is something really personal and I don't think anyone will be able to tell you how to fall back in love with running, but only offer personal experiences.

    I ran all through high school and even into college. I never loved it, just did it, so eventually I stopped. Ten years later and the invention of the iPod, I thought I'd try again. Still didn't like it. It wasn't until I found something that worked for ME. I run at 4am, on the street, no music, in VFF KSOs. And I love it. Traffic is very light, but I have to be aware, so no music. Just me and my thoughts. It's probably the best part of my day.

    Good luck in your search!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    C25K! I used to run a lot when I was younger, had knee issues, and stopped for years. Now I'm Week 8 of the program, and running 25+ minutes three times a week - in two more weeks I'll be at 30. (: This program helped me so much - I was struggling to run 5 minutes!


    I am on Week 7 of the program and ran my first 5K yesterday evening. I even managed to run the full 3.1 miles even though my farthest distance before that was 2.66 miles. I also had knee problems and have no been running without a brace since week 4. I've never felt better!
  • Karrie262
    Karrie262 Posts: 152 Member
    I was having issues with my desire to run (after running 6 marathons and countless races!) and I realized it was because I was running on the treadmill. It was miserable. When I finally went outside and could breath the fresh air, get lost in the scenery, and just RUN was when I actually started to like running again. Maybe you could find some trails a short distance from your apartment, take a quick drive there and run that way? I've had similar issues where there weren't places to run near where I lived so I just drove to the path. I wouldn't risk the hills (with a bad knee), traffic, and no paths near your place. I hope you find what you're looking for!

  • Ruqui04
    Ruqui04 Posts: 3
    It doesn't sound like to me that you've lost your love of running. It sounds like you are afraid that your knee will not allow you to run without issues. Therefore put the focus on continuing to get the knee better! You had physical therapy..time and time again I hear people tell me that they just fall right back even after physical therapy..but here is the is not just temporary its for life..which means you need to continue doing the exercises regardless of whether your knee starts to feel better. I am not sure if you are doing those exercises, but if not re-introduce them, start out running slowly and once the knee issue is better, not actually ever perfect again, then I can guarantee you'll love running again!
  • Try the Furman Institute technique: There are some downloadable pdfs around if you google 'Furman FIRST running'.

    The book is here:

    The idea is that you run less, but train in different paces and distances to increase strength and reduce injury. I have a hip injury from an accident and this seems to be working. Some days I have 'tired' days and I just do a slower or shorter run or crosstrain, but I have improved my overall endurance and enjoy pain free more running often than I used to.

    I also talked to my physical therapist about my gait and working on strengthening the weak side (my left) so that my running form is more precise. Overall it has allowed me to return to longer distances and find more enjoyment because the training mixes up what you do when you run.