How often do you weigh yourself?



  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 419 Member
    one or twice a month of that. I let my clothes and the mirror be my guide.
  • matmismel
    matmismel Posts: 26 Member
    Everyday. But I only log my weight once a week, and if it's a brand new number I only log what seems permanent. For instance, today (my weight in day) I weighed 220 even. But it was the first time that number came up, so I logged at 222. If I get ahead of myself and a pound or two is back the next day I feel like I lied.

    I should probably hide/break my scale.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    2-3x a day
  • I weigh myself every morning naked right after I go to the bathroom and do that each day. You do it first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything after fasting overnight. This gives you your most accurate reading. I log it almost every day or two.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I've weighed myself daily for the past 7 months, but I don't log it here daily. I am okay with watching my weight fluctuate up and down with water weight and hormones and I'm looking at the trend.
  • its_rierie
    its_rierie Posts: 44 Member
    I'm planning on weighing myself every day -- because I'm interested in seeing how my weight fluctuates in relation to my hormones. The last time I tried to lose weight, I actually dropped a kilo the week before and the week during my period. It was odd, because I was expecting nearly the opposite.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I was weighing daily to keep accountable but I started to obsess about the scale. It's natural for weight to fluctuate a bit and any slight gain was sending me into a tailspin. And I found myself expecting unrealistic goals. I wanted to see some loss every time I weighed. But even 1 lb a day is not realistic. And also I felt discouraged after a hard workout if I didn't see the results the next day when I weighed. But I dont want to weigh only once a week because if I do begin to gain I want to get a handle on it quickly. I like the accountability of frequent weigh-ins. So I think I found the perfect happy medium by weighing twice a week. I like Sundays and Thursdays and I always weigh 1st thing in the morning after I go to the bathroom.
  • I wait until I'm clearly dehydrated and wearing a 12 oz nightgown and bare feet. Right after the stomach flu seems to be when I have the most success. All other times end with me ranting about what a lying sack of iron the scale is and plotting to throw it in the river at high tide.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    I weigh myself every single morning. I feel that it helps me identify certain things, like where I need my sodium goals to -actually- be. Or how my sleep patterns can affect my weight. Its like a little science experiment. And I'm a little obsessive.
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    I do it just about everyday, but not in a neurotic way. I am pretty comfortable that there will be variation from day to day but my long-term trend-line is moving in the right direction. Also, I want to see if I have odd reactions to certain foods or activities, so I think the discipline of keeping track helps.
  • I used to weight myself several times per day, but I would frequently get discourage at the sight of normal fluctuations; to that end, I now only weight myself once per day. Ideally, I would only weight myself once per week, but I don't have enough self-control to do that...

    ^ That was my post. I had to make a new account because I accidentally chose 'female' for my gender. (I think this is the first site I've registered on that didn't default on 'male'!)