Ever done a Tough Mudder??

Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
I'm just wondering who has done a Tough Mudder and I would like to hear about your experience. There is one in my area in about 6 months and I am considering doing it. If anyone has done other obstacle course races I would like to hear about those too!!


  • dcarr67
    dcarr67 Posts: 1,403
    Not ready for a toughmudder but I ran the mudathlon in June in Northern KY and I am running another one in 2 weeeks in Cincinnati. It is 3.1 miles with 40 obstacles, mostly in the mud or water. I really wasn't physically ready and it was bruttal, but still fun. I am hoping this race goes a little easier. Huge hay bales, wood walls, cargo nets, ropes, lots of hills and mud, monkey bars and did I mention, lots of mud. The kind you sink down in and makes a big suction to get your feet out of. I know a tough mudder is alot further (12-13 miles) and harder obstacles. I am sure it is a rush if you can complete it though.

    Good luck!!