100+lbs to lose!

Hi everybody! My name's Jamie. :) I've been on MFP for a little while now, but I've gotten to the mental state where I really feel I can lose weight and keep it off. I'm ready. I realized the other day that I don't have a whole lot of other friends who share my same predicament. I'm looking for supportive friends who either have over 100 pounds to lose or have lost over 100 pounds. I hope we can support each other on our journeys! Let me tell you a bit about myself. When I was 15 I had to move across thr country. I was always overweight, but when I moved I became massively depressed (I take medication for it) and I gained about 20 more pounds. Now, I'm mentally ready to get to my goal weight. I'm 5'9" and currently weigh 255. My heaviest was 272. My goal weight is 150. Thanks for reading! :) I hope to be supportive and find people who are!


  • KatdenRN
    KatdenRN Posts: 52
    I'm looking to add people who are serious about losing 100 lbs.. if thats you.. add me!
  • mpeace1406
    mpeace1406 Posts: 76 Member
    Welcome!! You will do great here. I've lost about 80 lbs and would like to lose about 70 more. I'll add you!
  • I sooooo need an accountability partner! I have 100+ to lose and need support. I really want to get it done this time and my goal is pretty reasonable. I am setting a goal for Jan 2014. After that, I will re-evaluate. I will actually still be considered overweight after losing 100 lbs...I will probably need to lose another 20 or so to be in ideal shape.
  • I added you! I've lost 80 total since my highest weight and would love to lose about....at least 90 more. So welcome and hi!
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've lost 76 pounds, but still have a ways to go. You can join me for the next 100 :-)
  • Jamesecj
    Jamesecj Posts: 20
    Hi me too! I need to lose 100+ add me
  • HardmanP
    HardmanP Posts: 44 Member
    You can always add me!! I just started a little over a week ago, and I freakin love this place! It would be great to have someone else who also has 100+ lbs to lose..
  • jayne12469
    jayne12469 Posts: 52 Member
    I've only been on MFP for a week, but it's been awesome! Wishing everyone here much success on their journey!

    Always looking for more friends...everyone please feel free to add me!
  • As_Sweet_As_Pea
    As_Sweet_As_Pea Posts: 56 Member
    I originally needed to lose 200 pounds!! I have since loss about 30lbs. But I still have 170 to go. If anyone would like to add me that would be great!! always looking for encouragement and I love to return the favor. Good luck everyone!!
  • HI everyone.. I just joined MFP and lookinmg for others for encouagement and motivation (both to get and give). Feel free tp message me or add me. Noce to have others who go through the same things I do. I want to lose 150.. though I probably SHOULD lose 170-200. At this point I want to get below the 300lb mark as my short term goal.
  • spiritsattain
    spiritsattain Posts: 15 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me - I've lost 43lbs from my highest weight, and I would love to help someone just starting out. I've got 57 pounds until my goal weight - let's do this!!!
  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    I have 100+ to lose and I would love to have more friends that are in the same boat as me....BTW, I am starting a challenge on Aug 1 and would love for you guys to join!!!

    - $10.00 to join ( sent thru paypal )
    - Weigh in every week and post scale pics in the group with word of the week on it
    - Make friends
    - Do weekly challenges
    - Winner gets ALL the $$ at the end of the challenge.

    I have a group for this challenge and if you are interested joining...Please let me know on here or send me a message at ladychi306@gmail.com

    ***We have 6 people so far that has paid***

  • Hello all I just joined. I would love to have someone who understands what i'm going through as a friend. I have at least 115 lbs to loose. It's been said you can never have too many friends feel free to add me.
  • Ltrautman80
    Ltrautman80 Posts: 47 Member
    Looking for people who will help me stay accountable and help support me in losing 125 lbs.
  • I have lost 120 lbs. and have 22 more to go. I would be happy to support you and could use a little support from people who "get it" as well!
  • flutterby1228
    flutterby1228 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new too, this journey requires determination and motivation.. that's what we can give each other!
  • mhays83
    mhays83 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I am relatively new to MFP. I'm a single mom of a beautiful little lady and am wanting to get healthy to be there for her. I have other goals to, but that's my main one. I want lose roughly 175 pounds total; I've got 9 of them off! Anyway, I'm looking for some healthy supports and I'd love to be a healthy support for others!
  • cakelady69
    cakelady69 Posts: 228
    feel free to add me as a friend. I am trying to lose 100 lbs myself. I know I can do it and I'm focused. Let's help motivate each other
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I'm down 57...More friends never hurt!

    Anyone can feel free to add me! I am on here ALL the time!
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    130 Pounds lost here. Done by Healthy Diet, avoiding Soda at all costs, Strength Training and riding my bike for about an hour and a half a day. Best of luck to you and don't give up!!!