
medenfield Posts: 1 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Just signed up and looking forward to seeing how this all works. How do you know what the total amount of calories burned is? I am doing p90x and it dosen't tell with each exercise done just how many calories you are burning or should burn. Thanks


  • I've done P90X a couple of times. It's a great program. You should wear a heart monitor if you want to know how many calories you're burning. Make sure you get one that tells you calories burned and not just your heart rate. When you plug in your calories burned in the cardio section it adds them to your caloric intake for the day. It doesn't add the calories you burn when you do strength training. On days you do plyo, cardio or kempo it will add the calories.

    I'm doing Insanity now. It's defiinitely insane.

    Hope that helps.

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