Slim Fast 2 Meal Day Diet/ Juice Fast



  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Which documentary will you need to watch to change being lazy about your nutrition?

    I don't know where you are in your weight loss progress, but you sound like you are looking for the next fad diet.

    The thing with the Juice Diet (or any other quick loss diet) is that it's not sustainable. You know that already, because you're smart. But you also acknowledge that you are not happy because you are in a weight-loss rut. Guess what happens with a weight loss program that isn't sustainable? A rut. It's unavoidable.

    More important (and perhaps crucial for you) is the fact that adopting an unsustainable quick weight loss approach just feeds our laziness about nutrition. From what you have described, a juice fast is simply putting off your decision to commit to consistent, healthy nutrition.
    I absolutely agree with all of this.

    While a medically monitored very low calorie diet can be used in extreme circumstances (ie being so overweight it's threatening your life) for the vast majority of people they are a very bad idea.

    Plus, slim fast is packed full of sugar - and empty calories like sugar are not only nutritionally crap, but they make you feel hungry a few hours after eating them.

    Do what's easy or do what you know you should be doing, your call.
  • pattyg1821
    about 3 years ago I drink slimfast for 2 meals and tons of water plus fruits/veggies as snacks plus one sensible meal in evening plus was walking 4 miles everyday ( 7days a week) for one solid month , some days hiked for 1-2hrs then after lost about 15-20 pounds then joined gym and lost about another 5 pounds.

    after joined gym worked out 3 days a week at gym then walked 4 miles a day 2-3 days a week and hiked on 6th day then rested one day.

    It was SOLID dedication to not miss a day of walking or working out.

    I felt lots better and looked a lot better
  • mommyweighless
    mommyweighless Posts: 192 Member
    I am currently doing the Slim Fat 3-2-1 plan and I truly enjoy it. I have learned portion control a well as losing weight. The idea of ths plan is not to lose weight quickly but healthily. People assume it is a fad diet with a quick fix. Personally it had helped me gain insight on how to slim/measure portions and the value of good quality food. People will say it is bad because three is a lot of sugar in it but I never go over my daily allowance of sugar. They also say it is not sustainable. I have no problem seeing this as a new life for myself. I could do it forever. But that is not necessarily true for all. I am good with two shakes a day where as others prefer food. I stay full for 4 hours or longer on each shake and eat tons of veggies. I also walk for 1 hour a day or do 1 hour of Zumba. I have steadily lost 1 to 2 pound a week and have plenty of energy as well as not being hungry. A for the juicing thing..I have never tried nor do I plan on it. It seems very extreme and dangerous. Hope this helped!
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    If you want to find out more about juice fasting there's a good book on it by Jason Vale which gives you more info about how to go about it without starving yourself, and how to reintroduce foods without overloading your metabolism so you gain all the weight back. I think it's called 7lbs in 7 days.