ate too much yesterday. eat less today?



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    One of the things I have learned on MFP is that if I eat a lot one day the next day I'm not hungry. So I would certainly monitor how hungry you are and make sure you're not eating out of habit.

    Otherwise, it's a new day.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    You didn't get fat because of what you ate for one single day.

    Today is a new day. Do your normal work out and your normal calorie intake. Don't worry about it. Yes, you might have a (slight) calorie slow down for the week, but it will not overall be a problem.

    Also, stay off the scale. If the food had a lot of sodium in it, you could also see a temporary gain from water retention. Don't worry about this as it will be gone quickly as well.
  • curvyvegan
    curvyvegan Posts: 80 Member
    I would allow yourself to eat up to your calorie goal today, but also allow yourself to be a few hundred calories under if you aren't hungry enough to eat all your calories. Depending on how much you overate, and if it was late at just might not feel very hungry today, and you don't have to force yourself to eat all your calories! However, if you want to eat them all, go for it. I think it's dangerous psychologically to tell yourself that you have to stick with a super low limit today after you overate yesterday, because that sets up up for failure...toward the end of the day you might feel starving and then just throw in the towel and overeat again! So, definitely give yourself permission to eat all of your calories if you need or want to.
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    Yes you can do that. The site I used to use gave you a daily total and a weekly total so you could save some up for the weekend etc. I agree that beating yourself up is a bad idea, but if you can do something to change it, that's not beating yourself up. Obviously don't starve yourself, but do a bit more exercise over the next few days and be careful what you eat, so not less food but less calories, and you can reverse the naughty day. It always worked for me anyway, although like I say, I tended to do it the other way around by saving some up and using them at the end. :)
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I usually balance it out.
    If I ate badly the day before I'll eat a little less (as long as I'm not starving) or work out a little longer.
    Or if I was over my sodium I make sure to drink even more water the next day.