Atkins - thoughts, suggestions?



  • nan199678
    nan199678 Posts: 140
    I love all the feedback you've gotten so quickly. I did nit read the book but the website is pretty informative. And it is a step program. Gradually, at your pace & desire of weight loss you add carbs, fruits & other things that are at first a no-no. I actually haven't had bacon once in the past 3 weeks and am learning new recipes to make more of a variety. I can see myself making this a lifestyle change because the 1200 or so a day was not working for me. Now I just need to cut back the number of nights I'm drink so I can do better losing. That's my goal this week & I will do better. =)
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Im currently reading into this and after 2 weeks (if you do the inductiopn phase, you dont have to) you cna start to include more fruit etc. And someone day you can never have pasta again, that isnt quite true - the atkins range of food does actually include a pasta.

    Im going to try it - I live on carbs and I dont take in enough protein or fluids. It might be good to try it, just to cut down on ****e if nothing else.