Alcohol & Weight Loss



  • klynn_cox
    klynn_cox Posts: 17
    I understand what you mean 100%! I actually work for several different liquor companies handing out samples of thier products either in bars or liquor stores. It's very very hard when it right there in front of me and I get to take home the left overs. Then I see my husband(who is stick thin!) have a drink or 2 every night and I get nothing till the weekends. Boo. But I have worked in this industry so long that I wasnt about to give up my job so I gave up the drinking during the week. Now I dont deprive myself on the weekends espcially since I have to sample and talk about it at work. I just watch what I am drinking. I never get smashed, just a couple of drinks. But when I do drink its always either a flavored vodka, like Stoli blueberry or Three Olives Orange, and Soda. Or my favorite is actually vodka and water with lemon. If its ice cold and got enough lemon the way I like it, it taste just like if you drink lemon with you water in a reastaurant or something. Don't deprive yourself, enjoy what you want just in moderation. But then again I think everyone knows that.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I LOVE me a good drink! MM-HMM!
    Google " Skinnygirl cocktails ". It's a brand that supplies lo-cal vodkas, cocktails, and wines.

    I haven't tried them, but I saw Skinny Girl wine in the store. The calorie difference from most wines I drink was only 10-20 calories per glass. That's only about 100 calories per bottle. You'd have to drink more wine than is healthy for that to make much difference in your diet. I'm not sure if the alcohol content was lower, but I would imagine it is.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I totally hear you. *sigh*

    Also, it doesn't help that when I'm drinking, it makes me majorly hungry and I totally go off the deep end!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I totally hear you. *sigh*

    Also, it doesn't help that when I'm drinking, it makes me majorly hungry and I totally go off the deep end!

    The drunk munchies can be a problem. The best solution I've found is to have tasty snack foods around that I love and make sure I leave calories for it. Organic corn chips with salsa, guacamole, or bean dip is a quick and easy favorite.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    higher proof stuff like vodka doesn't have any carbs. mixed with diet soda, its perf.
    or rum and diet coke. yum.

    Why the martini is the drink of the supermodel.
  • camisetgo
    camisetgo Posts: 27 Member
    I drink a couple glasses of wine almost every night and lost almost 60 lbs. However, I count my calories and measure out each glass. Except for Saturdays...that is my free day.
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    I LOVE me a good drink! MM-HMM!
    Google " Skinnygirl cocktails ". It's a brand that supplies lo-cal vodkas, cocktails, and wines.

    SkinnyGirl Sangria is my new fave!!! 100 calories per 4oz glass. Worst case scenario... thats 634 calories for the whole bottle! (dont judge ;) ) And thats gone with a hard core workout.
  • RyanR0320
    RyanR0320 Posts: 44
    I have a glass of wine 4-5 nights a week and lose weight great. Plus the stress relief and relaxation does wonders.

    I always measure and always count towards my calories.

    Obviously I don't go out boozing anymore. But a glass after a workout is amazing
  • klynn_cox
    klynn_cox Posts: 17
    I LOVE me a good drink! MM-HMM!
    Google " Skinnygirl cocktails ". It's a brand that supplies lo-cal vodkas, cocktails, and wines.

    I haven't tried them, but I saw Skinny Girl wine in the store. The calorie difference from most wines I drink was only 10-20 calories per glass. That's only about 100 calories per bottle. You'd have to drink more wine than is healthy for that to make much difference in your diet. I'm not sure if the alcohol content was lower, but I would imagine it is.

    They also lower the alcohol content in the vodkas so it's not as potnent as a normal vodka would be. I say go for the real ting becasue you might end up drink more of the Skinny Girl to equal the "good feeling" a regular drink would give you and gaining more cals.
  • lalapurple62
    If I were to quote a chemical dependency councilor I know, alcohol reduces your metabolism by ~70% depending on average stats. And excessive drinking over time causes your liver to swell from the toxins causing the 'beer gut' people think is just from all the carbs. Everything in moderation and if you are struggling with your weight the last thing you want is to bog your body down with alcohol. That includes an occasional glass of wine with dinner.

    Alcohol metabolism takes precedence over normal digestion while it is in your system - so in the short term, this is very true and I can definitely believe the 70% reduction in normal metabolism number. Once the alcohol has been processed your metabolism goes right back to normal. A small amount of alcohol simply delays normal digestion by an hour or so, it doesn't cause you to store any extra fat (unless the calories in the alcohol cause you to go over your daily needs that is).

    This is what my son keeps telling me, 'alcohol is preferentially metabolised by your body" in simple terms, if you drink your body is going to use those calories first and then start burning food calories.
  • quixoticmantis
    quixoticmantis Posts: 297 Member
    Bump for more in-depth reading later :drinker: