Plateau Help

The whole month of July, I have been fluctuating the same 3 pounds (water weight) and I can't seem to get past it. I know it's just water weight but I'm just ready for the scale to move down. I know the scale doesn't define who you are, but it is comforting to see it move. I know I have lost a lot of inches this month so that is also comforting. I just want to get rid of this water weight and start seeing the scale move down again.

Any advice?


  • Mustangsally33
    I am feeling the same way ! Mine is about 5 lbs that I keep losing and gaining while still maintaining my workout and eating habits , its been about 3 months ! I am curious to see what people say for HELP !
  • adrenaline_x
    adrenaline_x Posts: 2 Member
    Me too.

    Its fustrating to say the least.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It's tough to get into specifics without seeing everyone's diary, but here's the standard advice:

    1. Make sure you're eating the right amount. Not too much and not to little. If you aren't eating your exercise calories then you should start. If you are, make sure you're not overestimating your calories burned.

    2. Are you measuring/weighing your foods?

    3. Change up your exercise routine. Add in strength training or interval training. Bump up your cardio so that you're working out harder, not necessarily longer.

    4. Eat different foods. Check your carb intakes, check your sodium, try to make cleaner choices, try new recipes and new foods.

    Sometimes your body just gets used to your routine and you have to change it up. If you open your diary you might be able to get better advice, though.
  • adrenaline_x
    adrenaline_x Posts: 2 Member
    good points.

    I use micoach app that tracks my running and calories, based on gps, Height and Current weight.

    It may be best to get a heart rate monitor and know for sure..

    I was aiming for 1400 calories a day but i believe that may be part of the issue as i'm not extremely overweight .. so i've adjusted up to 1600 Calories a day (as a target) while eating back the calories my app is telling me i have burnt.