All motivation just Lost :(



  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    don't do it for a man, do it for yourself.

    Deserves to be repeated over and over again!!!
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Think of it this way - will you feel better or worse when you see a gain on the scales? Will you feel better after eating loads? No and no. You definitely will feel a lot worse. So keep that in front of everything else in your head. Keep control of this and let it distract you from what's going on in your life right now

    My fiance died in April and I have stayed on track, because I know that if I was to put weight back on or binge eat, then I'd feel that bit more sh1t. What's the point in making yourself feel any more sh1t than you already do?

    I think you are the strongest person I've ever heard of. I am sorry for your loss and thank you for making me realise that we can be stronger than we think.

    Everyone else I would also like to thank for the amazing advise. It's really got me ready to tackle some weights! oh and get my nails done :)

    GOOD GIRL. You have got this. You are the one who is in control. You may not have control over a lot of things in your life, but you do have control over yourself and your decisions. You know, heartbreak can try to take away everything you cared about, all the motivation you had, all your goals. But let this situation distract you. Let it motivate you. You can do it, you really can
  • crissy185
    You not lien. You will always have yourself. People come and go.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Hi all,

    I've lost all motivation I was going ok for the last 7 weeks (after me boyfriend dumped me) everyone telling me im looking great ect but the last week I just want to give up, but now I feel like crawling in a hole and eating till I blow up!

    I dont know how to find my lost motivation,any clues?

    Aimee xoxox

    Ok Aimee...seriously? Your boyfriend dumped you so you are going to give up on YOU too? If this was said to YOU by anyone else in the world what would you tell them?
    HE was your motivation to lose the weight and be healthier? IF so, I'm sorry for you... but I am sure that is not the case and that you DO have other reasons to be a healthier, happier person WITH or WITHOUT him. CHIN UP, OFF THE COUCH and keep taking care of YOU. :flowerforyou:
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Hi all,

    I've lost all motivation I was going ok for the last 7 weeks (after me boyfriend dumped me) everyone telling me im looking great ect but the last week I just want to give up, but now I feel like crawling in a hole and eating till I blow up!

    I dont know how to find my lost motivation,any clues?

    Aimee xoxox

    Ok Aimee...seriously? Your boyfriend dumped you so you are going to give up on YOU too? If this was said to YOU by anyone else in the world what would you tell them?
    HE was your motivation to lose the weight and be healthier? IF so, I'm sorry for you... but I am sure that is not the case and that you DO have other reasons to be a healthier, happier person WITH or WITHOUT him. CHIN UP, OFF THE COUCH and keep taking care of YOU. :flowerforyou:


    ANd, think about it this way if you want...You go thru stages of grieving after a break-up...been there, done that...eventhough I broke it off with him. The next stage you need to push toward, if it helps, is the, "LOOK AT ME NOW" stage! If you need a little extra PUSH, other then just doing it for yourself and that it will jsut make you feel better, use the fact that when you get to your goal, you can say, "HA, now what?!?! Check me out!"

    Other then that, a workout and exercise will help!! I have a friend of mine who is actually jsut recently going thru losing someone she was falling in love with. She is having problems dealing with it but, the minute she gets out and takes a walk and/or a run, she is feeling 10x better! You will get thru this...this is Day 1 of your new life...YOU GOT THIS GIRL!!!!
  • Aimeebird1
    Aimeebird1 Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks I keep telling myself all of this over and over again lol. I am doing this for me however when the sadness hits about the whole crappy situation that when i want to give up... Your all so nice and 100% right i've just got to keep going and move forward... on that note off to the gym I go i have so much running to do after 3 yes 3 chocolate bars today :(
  • npgcommish
    If you are losing weight for someone else, you are not going to succeed. Lose weight for yourself, and YOU will gain self confidence. There are plenty of fish in the sea anyway. Everyone on here is motivation enough to keep going! Nike says "Just Do it!"