Calculating Calories

I think the exercise database needs updating too. Zumba, boot camp...
I wanted to get a more accurate idea of the calories burned while doing exercise that was specific to me. So I worn my Garmin Forerunner 301 today while doing the Biggest Loser Boot Camp week 2 workout (45min). I found this mathematical equation to come up with a closer estimate for my calories burned.

For females, derive the calories that you burned. This is given by the equation C = (0.4472 x H -- 0.05741 x W + 0.074 x A -- 20.4022) x T / 4.184. Assume that you're a 28-year-old female weighing 146 pounds. Your average heart rate during an exercise session that lasted 36 minutes was 138 bpm. You burned C = (0.4472 x 138 -- 0.05741 x 146 + 0.074 x 28 -- 20.4022) x 36 / 4.184 = 301 calories.

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