Climbing Mountains

I'm gonna climb a mountain, I'm gonna reach the top.

I've been counted out, I've been passed over and I've been told, 'your not able to do that'

I've been picked last for sports and I've been told to 'just quit'.

Well, theres no quit in me any more.

I'm a fighter, I'm a warrior and I'm a conqueror.

I'm gonna shine!

Who is with me?


  • ChristinaK69
    ChristinaK69 Posts: 249
    I'm with you. I've been the last picked also and sat on the sidelines because I wasn't good enough to play in the REAL game. Yep, I'm in.
    You can climb a mountain...
  • pj12string
    pj12string Posts: 128 Member
    You can be on my team any day Christina!