
I'm not exactly new on here, but have created a new account. I've been trying to lose weight on and off for around a year now but usually end up giving up.
I planned a night out with my friend and our partners at the weekend and when it came to getting dressed, everything I was putting on no longer fitted and I actually had nothing nice to wear. It made me feel so miserable about myself. I did not enjoy my night out in a pair of old jeans and a normal everyday top.
I have finally got it into my head what I need to do. I'm really hoping that MFP will help me, and i'm hoping I can get support from others.

Please feel free to add me! I could really do with the support!


  • ChelleFeegan
    ChelleFeegan Posts: 80 Member
    Good luck my dear, you've made the first positive step x
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Request sent. You will get where you want to go. Just think positive thoughts :)
  • alexl2745
    alexl2745 Posts: 12
    Thank you!!!
  • asayer
    asayer Posts: 47
    Good luck! Feel free to add me anyone.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Welcome back. You can do it!
  • Same thing happened to me. None of my good or nice clothes fit me anymore. Not even my old "fat pants" fit me. My husband said that it would be okay and we can go shopping for new clothes that fit. I told him there was no point in buying new clothes when I have perfectly good clothes now. All I need to do is drop my added weight and inches and they'll fit just fine.
  • syland02
    syland02 Posts: 6
    If you guys are tired of the rollercoaster ride when loosing weight, i suggest you try the HCG diet. It works wonders.